~I do~

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" are you ready"

it was the day that everyone had been waiting for since they were kids. The marriage between Sarah Cameron and Topper Thornton. 

kooks have a tradition, one that people on the cut despise. when kooks have children they plan arranged marriges for them. today the Cameron's and the Thornton's were uniting together to celebrate the marriage between topper and Sarah.

I personally hate the idea of arranged marriages. I've always believed in love and finding someone you love to have forever.

The scary thing about this joyous day is that they will announce the next pair to be married.

I haven't been arranged yet and I still don't know who I will end up with so today could be the day.

"yes Emmy, but the real question is are you?"

Sarah is my best friend and has been since  we were little. we were born 4 days apart her being the oldest. when she found out about today she was very excited because a very rare thing happened but topper and Sarah already liked each other.

"Sarah I'm fine, I probably won't be paired until next year anyway"

the music started to play and we all took our spots.

I was Sarahs maid of honour and Kelce was toppers best man so we had to walk down together.

I didn't like Kelce and he didn't like me. we've had a rivalry for quite some time now, but we decided it would be best if put it aside for Sarahs and toppers special day.

The doors opened and it was cue for us to walk down the isle. as I walked down the only thing I could think of was if I was next and if the next time I was in this church it would be for me...

once I walked down I took my place at the front of the church and looked back down the church to see Sarah. she looked beautiful in her white , long sleeve , mermaid, lace wedding dress.

she was walking down the aisle with her dad ward Cameron. they both looked so happy.

I looked over towards topper and he had the biggest smile on his face and a tear slipping down his cheek.

Sarah and ward had finally made their way to the alter and ward handed her off.

" I know that your going to be good for her, don't make me change my mind" ward said as he brought topper into a 'bro hug'.

the wedding was amazing and seeing my best friend marry the man she loved made me so happy.


"omg your finally a married woman!"I screeched towards Sarah.

the ceremony was amazing. I could see the way that topper looked at Sarah and I'm so happy for them.

we were now down at the country club celebrating the events prior from now. everyone was dancing around and having a good time.

as it got later we all went to our seats.  we sat and heard toast's towards the happy couple then out of the Connor of my eye I saw ward Cameron stand up.

Ward was like a father to me. he was very nice and when my parents were away on business trips(which was a lot) he would let me stay in the Cameron household and keep me safe.Ward Cameron was also the head of the committee. he would make the announcments and decide upon various things in figure eight.

When he stood I couldn't help but take a big breath. 

"good evening everyone, today we are all gathered here to celebrate such a joyous day between my lovely daughter Sarah and her now well esteemed husband topper.but today not only symbolises the joining of two families but it also symbolises the joining of another two families. I would know like to announce our newest marriage set to take place on this day 1 year from now."

Sarah noticed my breathing and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"so the two next in line will be my son Rafe Cameron and someone very close to our family, miss Emmy miller."

I slowly stood up as well as rafe and we looked each other in the eye.

I couldn't believe that I was going to Marry my best friends brother.

The sandy haired boy walked towards me and stood beside me .i store blankly into his ocean blue eyes.i have never really liked rafe. he has always been quite quiet around me and in all the years I've only really spoken to him once or twice so Its quite shocked to say the least.

everyone gave us a round of applause but all I could think about was what should I do.

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now