~she knows~

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it had been 3 weeks since finding out that I'm pregnant.

Sarah has helped me so much over the 3 weeks. I still haven't told anyone else especially rafe. 

I can't stand to see him. he disgusts me. how dare he go and kiss another woman after what happened between us on holiday.

"hey em are you ready" I heard Sarah say through the house.

" yea I'm coming down now" I called through the house.

I ran down the stairs and met with Sarah.

today we were going to the doctors for my first appointment . although I was happy, there was an underlying feeling of disappointment. I just can't believe that I let him get me pregnant.

we got in the car and started on our way to the doctors.i leaned my head against the window and looked at the houses.

"Emmy" I heard while I felt someone shake me.

I had fallen asleep on the drive there. I haven't slept much since I found out about my pregnancy.

I got out of the car and went inside. 

" hi I'm here for my appointment with dr share" I told the lady.

" yep he'll be out soon"the lady smiled.

I turned around and took a seat in the waiting area. Sarah took a seat next to me and took my hand.

" it's ok Emmy , you'll be fine" she smiled.

I just smiled back and picked up a magazine. on the front cover was Nicole Kidman and Keith urban. they were expecting their 3rd baby.

" Emmy Miller" I heard my name being called. 

I looked up and saw dr share calling me into his office. Sarah and I stood up and made our way in.

" hey em how are you" dr share asked.

" yea yea I'm good"I replied.

"yea that's good. so what's up today" dr share asked.

" well promise you won't tell anyone" I asked

" well if I told someone I would be fired so I promise" he laughed.

I smiled at him"well I went to Barbados with Sarahs brother because we have been recently been paired"

" yea I heard about that" he said

" yea well when we were there we participated in some ,let's say extra curricula activities without protection" I shyly said.

"ok well would you like to lay down so we can do an ultrasound please" he asked nicely.

I complied with his offer and laid down. he pulled up my shirt and tucked it into my bra and grabbed a piece of tissue paper and tucked it into my pants.

" alright so this might be a bit cold" he said as he put a gel substance on the ultrasound equipment.

I simply just nodded my head.

he placed the transducer on my stomach and and started to move it around. I looked Over at the screen and watched the grey and black colours move around.

" hey look here" he pointed to the screen.

" that's your baby" he said with a smile.

I looked at the little bean on the monitor and smiled. 

" I can't believe that's inside me" I smiled.

Sarah and dr share just laughed.

" well I'll check everything and then we'll book you in for your next appointment" he said while starting write things down.

everything was fine with the baby and we booked for another 5 weeks away.

" hey can I stay over tonight" Sarah asked randomly.

"yea sure, why"I asked.

" well rafe has been really annoying lately asking about you because he hasn't seen you in a long time"she quietly answered.

"oh" was all I managed to say.

" well ill need to grab somethings before we go so do you want to stay in the car or go home and ill just drive over or"

I cut her off " its ok ill come in and help you pack" 

" ok are you sure you want to do that" she asked.

"yea its fine" I smiled 

we pulled up at the house and we walked inside.

we walked up to Sarahs room. Sarah started packing and I just stood in front of her mirror looking at my stomach. I barley had a bump but it was slightly visible.

" hey I'm done packing let's go" Sarah said as she pulled me out of the room.

we started walking down the stairs when I saw him. he was walking up the stairs in a khaki coloured polo and beige long pants. he'd obviously just came back from golfing.

" hey Emmy" he smiled at me. 

I didn't stop walking instead I continued to walk down without looking at him once.

rafe grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking any further down.

"talk to me " he said with sadness laced in his voice.

I just store at him with anger and jealousy.

rafes pov:

I tried to talk to Emmy but she just ignored me. I grabbed her wrist to get her attention. she just looked at me. her expression full of anger.

there's no way she knows.


she knows , I know she knows.

Emmys pov:

rafe let go of my arm and continued back up the stairs.

I know he knows that I know about the girl.

I walked back to the car and sat in the passenger side.

Sarah ran out of her house after me and jumped in the car.

" hey are you good"she asked

"yea yea I'm fine , I just don't want to be here."I said in a hurry.

Sarah took my words and reversed out of the drive way and drove us home.

rafes pov:

I looked out my window watching her car drive away. 

I can't believe that I did that to her. I should never 'cheated' on her. i know were not dating but I feel like I cheated. without her I felt so lonely and vulnerable. she hadn't contacted me in 2 weeks so I assumed that she didn't want to be anything more with me but seeing how hurt she was I think otherwise.

how did she even know though it was only one time. fuck I'm an idiot how could I ever hurt her like that. I feel like a piece of shit fuck me.

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now