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" EMMY" I heard yell through the house.

it was sarah , she was here to take me to the ultrasound. I quickly jumped up from my spot to see that rafe wasn't there. I was confused yet relived that Sarah wouldn't catch us naked in bed together.

I jumped out of bed and raced to grab clothes before I made my way to the bathroom. I hurried to get clothed before brushing my teeth and brushing my hair and applying some mascara. I ran out of the bathroom and started going down stairs to be met with the aroma of bacon floating throughout my house.

I rounded the corner to see rafe standing at the stove cooking bacon and eggs and chatting with Sarah who was sat in a stool at the island. Sarah looked towards me and smiled.

"so when were you going to tell me that you and rafe were buddy buddy" she smirked at us as I made my way over to the stove to take over cooking.

I stayed silent as I grabbed the spatula from rafe. he didn't protest and let me take over. we looked each other in the eye both not knowing what to say. we stayed silent for a while until Sarah spoke up.

"im not mad and I know you guys had sex last night" I started choking at the words she had just said. 

rafe and Sarah started laughing at my reaction. I plated the food up onto 3 separate plates and handed them to rafe a Sarah.

"so Emmy am I still going to come with you to the ultrasound or are you going with rafe"Sarah asked.

I had forgot that Sarah was coming."yea you can come in I just thought that rafe would like to come as well"

Sarah just giggled and shook her head ."its ok I won't come in. you can rafe need to sort everything out"

I let a smile slip and gave her a hug. Sarah was always there for me. it didn't matter what the circumstance she was just always there to cheer me up.

we all sat and ate our breakfast at the island. I was surprised at how well rafe actually cooked the food. he must've gotten my spices down.

"so what time is the ultrasound" rafe asked with curiosity.

"10am" Sarah replied knowing everything. we just laughed at her.

I looked at my watch to see that the time was 9:45am. I quickly jumped up and grabbed my things.

"rafe we have to go , we have 15 minutes" I said in a hurry out the door.

luckily he was dressed already and just ran out with me and grabbed his shoes. we jumped in the car and started our drive to the doctors office.

it didn't take that long before we arrived and went inside. as soon as we stepped into the establishment I heard dr shore call my name.

"Emmy Miller"he called through the building.

rafe and I quickly ran over to him in a hurry and went and got settled into the room as dr shore went to grab a few things.

"how long does this take" rafe questioned.

"what don't you want to be here" I asked annoyed at what he had said.

"no , no , I don't mean it like that I just really want to see the baby" he said shyly as if he didn't want to show his soft side.

rafe has always been a very tough person. he was always the person that would get into fights and he was the type of boy that no matter how sad a movie was or if something sad happened he'd never cry.

I remember when his great grandma and grandpa die a few years back. he didn't shed a single tear nor did he appear to be sad, instead opting take drugs and to fuck his way threw the pain. he's never felt with grief or anything in that matter with matureness instead just became a total douche bag.

luckily he went clean sat year and has been since. I know that we have never really talked much our whole child hood , but I have always observed what he would do. you can't just be really close with someones family to not take notice of everyone in it.

"so I see you've brought rafe with you today miss" dr shore said as he walked back into the room.

"yea I thought it would be best if he came since he's the father and all" I smiled towards dr shore.

he looked up and smiled back while putting his gloves on. he prepped the equipment before asking me to tuck myself up like last time.

he applied the cold gel onto my lower stomach. I flinched at the sudden feeling.

the sandy haired boy looked down towards me and smiled. I wasn't completely happy with him yet as you can't just "cheat" on somebody and then have free reign in their life but I was willing to let some things slide.

I reached over and grabbed rafes hand and we both looked at the sonogram.

dr shore applied the transducer onto my stomach and moved it around until he saw the little bean inside my stomach. even for something so small that is yet to have a name or face it was still so precious.

"well it looks like your baby is very healthy and is growing normal without any complications" dr shore smiled towards us.

I felt a rush of relief run over my body as he said those words.

as I was about to speak up I heard this noise over the sonogram. it was a little heartbeat. it was very fast considering its so small but from that moment I knew that me and this baby were inseparable.

it's crazy to think that you can fall involve with such a small thing so quickly.

I felt rafe gently give my hand a squeeze. I looked up towards him to see a tear slip from his eye. he quickly wiped it away not wanting anyone to see him. I knew that he cared deeply about this baby and I know he finds it hard to admit it but he does.

the rest of the appointment was dr shore telling us what he needed me to do to ensure that the baby remains happy and healthy .we walked out of the office and got into the car. the whole ride home I was left pondering about one question.

what are we going to tell our parents!

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now