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its been 3 weeks since the funeral and everyone has been taking it tough.rafe and I held our our small funeral for Sarah as ward doesn't believe she is dead and has told us'i will not have a funeral until I have proof that she's dead. until I do there will be no funeral'. rafe and I collected some of Sarahs belongings including her favourite necklace and put it in a box. we lit a photo of her and placed it on the box and sent it down the marsh. I laid my head on rafes shoulder and cried as he held me tight.

today marked the 34th day without Sarah. rafe and I have been doing well although he has been using still. rafe has been with his dad a lot as he's always trying to find ways to get his approval. he is actually going to Barbados with ward for two days, I don't know why but I guess its just a father son trip maybe.

"hey rafey"I said as I walked into our bedroom.

he was packing some clothes and getting things ready to go to Barbados.

" don't call me rafey ever again"rafe snapped.

I looked at him in shock. he's been so uptight lately and he has become super snappy and aggravated.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to come say hi"I told him.

"yea well I'm trying to pack and I don't need your distractions"

I lightly nodded my head and walked out of the bedroom and into the was almost done it just needed to have the beds made ready for the babies but in saying that I guess its ready. I can't wait for the babies to come into this world although I don't know how I feel about bringing them in while rafe goes through his shity moods.

I didn't want to sit around the house all day but I also couldn't drive as now my stomach has become so big that its very hard to drive and my doctor advised me not to drive for my safety and the babies.

 I decided to call kelce today as I haven't spoke to him in a while. we aren't really friends but I knew that he and topper would be at the country club so I called and asked if they could come pick me up which they agreed to.

we all pulled up at the country club and we made our way inside. jessie was sitting at the table waiting for us. jessie was kelces girlfriend. we didn't get along to well but since I'm married to rafe she cut say much as I held higher authority.

we all sat down at the table and started talking.

"so Emmy how are you feeling"topper asked.

"I feel like a giant watermelon. never did I think that I would look so big and fat"

"your not fat Emmy, your just carrying twins"

"how's rafe doing with everything?" top asked.

"well he started off really good but I noticed that has started to use again and he's becoming very short with me lately like I called him rafey today and he got all defensive and told me not to call him that. I just hope that he's not in one of his phases when the babies arrive"I told him.

"dang thats bad"

I nodded my head ordered my food. we all got into conversation about different things when John b got brought up.

"John b deserves to have died in that storm"kelce said.

"excuse me"

I turned around to see jj .

"don't jj just leave it" topper told him.

jj picked up and glass and made a scene about how John b is innocent and how he never killed anyone before he got fired and left.

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now