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when rafe and I got home we went separate ways. although we shared very intimate moments since we've been home we haven't talked.

its been two weeks since we came home and today Sarah was coming home. since she doesn't really want to go home yet she decided to come and stay at my house for two days.

topper and Sarah were due to fly in at 4pm and it was 3.30pm so I decided to drive over there now. on my way through figure eight I decided to drive past the Cameron residence.

as I drove past I saw rafe with a girl. she was beautiful. she had thick blonde hair and had the most perfect body. they were both in bathers signalling they had been swimming. as I was just about to drive fully past I saw him pull her in a kiss her passionately.

when I saw that I quickly drove off. I didn't know how I felt. I didn't know whether to feel happy for him , or if I wanted to cry , or if I wanted to run that bitch over.

I guess I just felt.... nothing.

when I made it to the airport Sarah was already out the front with topper. they put their stuff into the boot of the car and jumped inside. Sarah sat in the passenger side with me and topper sat in the back. 

" hey em"  Sarah said as she got comfortable in the car.

I just looked straight and started driving not bothering to answer.

"em, you good"Sarah asked with worry lacing her voice.

a tear managed to slip from my eye. this made Sarah really worried.

"Emmy what's wrong"Sarah questioned while putting her hand on mine.

I couldn't just ignore her forever so I decided to tell her.

" when I was coming here I decided to drive past your house to see if rafe was there." I said as another tear slipped.

Sarah nodded her head signalling to go on.

"yea well he was there" I laughed" kissing a blonde haired bitch"I snarled with anger filling my body.

Sarah looked at me worried as she knew how much rafe meant to me. little did rafe know that when they had sex the first night in barbados , it was actually Emmys first time.

this filled Sarah with rage as well as she knew he would stuff this up as well.

topper just had a look of disappointment held on his face. topper knew how much Emmy meant to rafe so he didn't understand why he would do this to her.

the rest of the ride was silent but there was a lingering sense of anger from all parties.

when I arrived at toppers house Sarah got out to help with the luggage and said goodbye before jumping back in the car.

my house was only around the corner so it wasn't a long drive to the house.

when I got there the silence remained. I helped her grab her stuff and brought it to my room.

my parents weren't here as always since they were in Europe doing business stuff.

"so that's a bit of a mood killer" I said as we sat on the couch.

" yea" Sarah said dully.

since Sarah was obviously tired I decided to grab a big bag of popcorn and put on a movie.

it had been around 1 hour into the movie and I felt like I was about to vomit. I held back the feeling for another few minutes before I couldn't anymore. 

I quickly got up and ran to the closest bathroom and spewed all the popcorn that I had just ingested.

Sarah quickly ran in behind me and held my hair up.

" are you ok " Sarah asked worriedly.

" yea I've just been sick lately. its an on and off thing" I said wiping my mouth.

" hey Emmy , by any chance did you and rafe use a condom?"Sarah asked

I thought back to when we had sex and I couldn't recall the use of one nor withdrawing.

"no I don't think so" I said with fear laced in my voice.

Sarah just Brought me to my feet and we went to the nearest shop.

we went in and bought 3 pregnancy tests to be sure.

when we got home I went straight to the bathroom and took the tests.i was so scared for the outcome. I didn't want to be a mother at 18. that's to early. I wanted to live out my adolescence.

I sat on the lounge with Sarah and waited.she just wrapped me up in her arms scared as well for the outcome.

'beep beep beep' I heard as my timer went off.

I slowly got up with Sarah and walked towards the bathroom. I was so nervous but I needed to rip the bandaid off and see what was happening.

I slowly flipped the tests over. a tear slipped from my eye as I looked at the tests. I dropped to my knees and just cried.

[pregnant-2 weeks] is what the test read.

I was overwhelmed with emotion. I just sat on the bathroom wall and cried. Sarah sat down with me and held me in her arms. I couldn't believe it. I was pregnant, and with rafes baby.

I felt as if I had been cheated on even though we were never actually together.

Sarah helped me up and brought me to my room.

" how am I going to tell rafe" I asked through tears 

" more importantly our parents"I cried out.

Sarah just cuddled into me and calmed me down.

"its ok, we won't tell anyone until we know what you're going to do" Sarah reassured me.

I appreciate Sarah so much. she's always been there for me. I haven't had the best life. ive always been very lonely and she's always been there to give me love and an amazing friendship. id trust her with my life and id also true her with my secret.

"thank you Sarah, you're going to be the best aunty" I said with a smile.

she just laughed lightly and then let some tears slip.

" I can't believe Im going to be an aunty" she said with a big smile.

I just leaned in and gave her a big hug.

"love you Sarah".

"love you too Emmy".

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now