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today my parents were coming into town to see me and rafe which meant that all weekend we would have to do lots of planing for the wedding as we won't see them again until then.

I've now been staying at the Cameron's house for 3 weeks. its been nice always being around rafe and the family. they have been doing so much for me as well. rose is always ready to grab me food when I'm hungry and to make everything comfortable when I'm tired and want nap.i personally think she feels guilty that rafe got me pregnant and thats why she's been doing so much.

I was sitting in the living room reading a book about pregnancy when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door to see my mother and father.

"Emmy darling , look at you. your stomach is so big" my mother gushed as she gave me a hug.

my dad just sent me a nod.

"rafe" I called through the house.

a couple minutes later rafe came down to greet my parents and then we started our planning.

first off we needed a venue. we thought about the beach for a while. it has beautiful scenery, we are right next to the water, its a very romantic setting and there will be beautiful photos but the beach is sandy and wet and very winding so thats a no.

we went through a few more options and finally found our dream wedding. we had decided upon a garden wedding. we were going to have it in my backyard. we had a massive garden out the back and its just perfect for a wedding .

after some more planning we decided that we would hire a popular band from the mainland, the colour theme is sage and white and there's so much more stuff that we planned.

after a long day of boring planning with my judgemental parents I decided to go for a boat ride by myself to get out of my head.

I have an element E18 byliner as its one of the best boats around and its perfect for an afternoon ride.

I took it down to the boat ramp and put it in and got on. I started her up and then I was on my way out through the marsh.

I would've brought rafe but after all the planning he went out with topper to go golfing.

as I sailed down shore I went past toppers house and saw Sarah on the jetty. I turned over and slowed the boat beside her.

"hey Sarah what are you doing?" I yelled.

Sarah looked towards me and smiled"hey em, I'm waiting for top, have you seen him" 

"yea, he with rafe , their at the country club"

Sarah jumped on my boat and took a seat.

"bullshit"Sarah mumbled.

"what don't you think he's actually there" I asked.

"no I think they are there I just don't think there playing golf thats all"

"then why don't we have a look" I smirked as I turned the boat around.

Sarah gave me a smirk before connecting her phone to my speaker and blasting some music as we sailed down to the marsh.

"why were you at toppers anyway " I asked.

"I was going to see him but no one was home" Sarah replied.

"fair enough"

after awhile of sailing we finally made it to the country club and got off the boat. I tied it to shore and we started walking up the trail. as we were walking we heard yelling. Sarah and I looked at each other before running to see what was happening. as we rounded the corner we saw rafe and topper onto of person who looked like he was on the cut.

"rafe" I yelled as I walked towards him.

he immediately stood up and got off of him when he heard my voice.

"what are you doing" I said as I helped the boy up and gave him his things.

I recognised the boy, I think his name is pope. when I gave him his things he ran away towards the club.

rafe just looked at me and said nothing.

"hm, have nothing to say" I teased.

"top and I wanted a beer and he wouldn't give us one so we took matters into our own hands"rafe replied.

I just stood there in shock before I lived my hand and slapped him across the face.

"you do not just jump someone for a beer" I yelled as I turned away.

Sarah came with me after yelling at topper for the same reasons.

"please don't do this Emmy" rafe said as he placed his hand on his head.

all I could manage to do was flip my finger towards him as I walked off. I wish that rafe would act his age, his almost 20 and still pulling the shit.

I got onto the boat while Sarah untied it. as I was pulling out I heard a voice.

"hey Emmy"I heard yell from another boat.

I looked over to see pope with another person.

"uh, thanks for stopping them" he called out to me.

"its ok, you were just doing your job and they are just dickheads" I sighed.

"well thank you" he said as he started his boat up and drove away.

I looked at Sarah with an annoyed face.

" I just can't believe how immature they are" I sighed.

Sarah just rolled her eyes and we went back home.

once we got home we had our dinner but rafe never showed up for it. then we decided to watch a movie togther and thats when I heard rafe and topper walk through the door laughing and making a big scene. we all just ignored them and they went up to the bed room.

"hey I'm tired I'm going to go to bed" I yawned while standing up.

"yea I'm tired as well, I'm coming with you" Sarah said as she got up and followed me out.

we walked up the stairs and I walked over to rafes bedroom when I stopped. I just stood there.

"hey em are you ok?" Sarah asked.

"can I stay with you tonight" I asked

Sarah just smiled and nodded and we walked into her bedroom.

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now