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Warning contains drug references!

it's been a week since rafe and topper beat up the pogue and I still haven't talked to him. we are going to have a child and still the only think that he can think to do is beat up innocent people.

today I was going out to the mainland to do some shopping since Ive been cooped up in the house all week.i would've brought Sarah or wheezie but ward was taking all of his children to out. he asked me if id like to come but I opted out of it.

they had already left the house so I was home alone. I haven't been in rafes room in a week and I have all my stuff in there so I thought Id go have a shower in there and get properly clean with my stuff.

when I walked into the room it was a mess. the bed wasn't made, there was rubbish and cans all over the floor and it smelt really weird.

I couldn't help myself and I decided to clean the room as it was bugging me. I went and grabbed a garbage bag and picked up all the shit off his floor. when I got to his desk I went to pick something up when I noticed a white substance the desk. I looked around a bit more when I found a bag of cocaine.

"you've got to be kidding me"

I knew that he would get angry if I threw it out so I didn't but I continued to clean everything up. I then made his bed ,vacuumed the floors , folded his laundry and then his room was finally clean.

I went in and had a long awaited shower.

when I'm in the shower I think about a lot of things and today I was thinking about the baby.i was now 19 weeks pregnant and my baby was the size of a mango and now can officially find out the gender of my baby.

after washing myself I got out of the shower and got changed into some black pants a blue crop and left my house.

having a rich family was the best as my parents would transfer me $500 a week to make sure id have food but little did they know I barely spent any of it so I had a lot of money.

I drove down to the wharf and parked my car and went and got a ticket. once I grabbed the ticket I boarded the ferry and headed over to the mainland.

I've never been to the mainland by myself before but I'm sure that it would be fun. once I got off the boat I went to the shopping centre and bought some maternity clothes as my stomach is getting bigger and I've noticed that my pants are starting not to fit.

after shopping I went and got some food before I got back on the boat and made my way back to obx.

as I was disembarking the ferry I started to feel a little light headed. I stabled myself and continued to walk back to my car. I was almost there when the dizziness feeling came back and I started to fall over. as I feel I felt two strong arms catch me and a couple of voices and then I blacked.

when I woke up I was in a bed in a strange house. I looked around my surroundings and saw that it definitely wasn't a kooks house. I got up from the bed and made my way out of the room. as I walked through the house I heard voices coming from outside. when I walked out I saw 3 boys and a girl.

when the noticed me they immediately got up and came over to me.

"hey are you ok" the girl asked.

I looked at her and then I remembered who she was. her name is kiara carrera. she used to be good friends with Sarah and I but when Sarah didn't invite her to her party she called the cops on us and got it busted.

"um yea im ok" I said as I looked around.

pope was here and he had another two friends with him. I think their names were jj and John b.

"um what am I doing here" I asked with suspicion.

"you had gotten off the fairy and you were walking to your car. we noticed that you looked dizzy so we came over to see if your alright but you fainted. we were going to take you to hospital but the closest one is on the mainland and we didn't know how to get you over there so we searched up what to do and this is what we found" pope replied as we walked close to me.

"um thank you so much"I thanked as I went to give them a hug.

the all came and gave me a hug.

"Emmy, is there a reason that you would've fainted?"pope asked.

"well I don't know, I've never fainted before. it could have something to do with pregnancy" I replied.

"PREGNANCY?" they yelled in shock.

"yea I'm 'with child' "

by the looks on their faces they had no clue.

"hey well could you please take me back to my car" I asked.

John b nodded"ill take you".

we walked over to the car and jumped in and drove back to my car.

"are you sure you can drive" John b asked.

"yea ill be fine, thanks for looking after me" I thank him.

"no problem, I'll always be here to catch you when you faint" he laughed.

I smiled towards and and waved him off and then jumped in my car.

I started the car up and went to drive off when I heard a knock at my window. it was rafe.

I rolled the window down and looked at him.

"what do you want?"

"why did you just get out of John b's car?"rafe questioned.

"what do you care?"

"he's a pogue Emmy, their not like us. stay away from them"rafe ordered.

"no, they are nice to me and help me unlike you. your expecting a child in the next few months, getting married in a month and all you can think to do is jump innocent people and stay in your room with topper and drink and do drugs" I yelled before I winded my window up and drove away.

"Emmy come on don't do this" rafe whined.

"think before you do rafe" I yelled as I drove away.

I wasn't going back to the Cameron residence. I was so sick of rafe. he needs to learn to grown up and take some responsibility.

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now