Awake With You

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Post-game AU
Everyone from the game lives together

Kokichi's POV:

    Why are they all laughing at me? They laugh as their eyes surround me. "You didn't help! You like to think you're some big hero, huh?! In that killing game, you were useless!" One shouts. I stay against the wall of the black box I've been trapped in, plugging my ears, praying the voices stop. "Please stop..." I mutter, holding back the tears.

"You are nothing but a usless fag!"

"You did nothing!"

"It was all for nothing at all! You fucked it all up!"

"You deserved your death!"

"I hope you're traumatized!"

It's all swarming my mind! I can't handle it anymore! I pull at my hair, praying the voices stop. They are cruel, and I'm starting to believe them. I can't be that useless, right? I-.

"It's a dream, wake up, baby doll." Someone's soothing voice becomes louder than the rest. I slowly look up, and the only person there is my Shuichi. "Come on, sweetheart, wake up now."

I stand up quickly and run for him. He holds his arms out before pulling me to his chest.

    I wake up drenched in sweat and tears. Shuichi has me in a tight grip in his arms. "Shh... I'm right here." He whispers, kissing away my new, hot tears. I try to relax before looking at the time. It's around three in the morning. Goddamn it, I have to stop waking Shuichi up. He has a job, I shouldn't wake him up when he has to be at work.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, gripping Shuichi's shirt.

"No, no, it's alright. Shh..." Shuichi replies, petting my head. He holds the back of my head on his shoulder as he hushes me.

"No it's not, I-I keep waking you up when you have work, and I'm not that useful-." I reply, a few tears pricking my eyes.

"Kokichi, no. You are anything but useless. You're my kichi, you mean everything to me." Shuichi says, kissing the side of my head. I try to stop crying completely, but no avail. "Tell you what, I'm gonna take the day off tomorrow, and we're gonna sit around the house while everyone else has work, okay?"

"Okay..." I reply, kissing the side of Shuichi's neck gently. He smiles in response at the action. God, what would I do without my blueberry?

About fifteen minutes later, I'm still wide awake, and so is Shuichi. I can tell by the grip he has on me. "Shushu?" I mutter. Shuichi hums in return. "I can't sleep..."

"Me neither, let's go watch a movie or something." Shuichi suggests, loosening his grip on me. I nod and stand up, Shuichi following immediately. We walk the hallways of the large house until we reach the movie room. I grab a few blankets, and Shuichi plops down on the couch, turning on the TV. I smile before plopping down in his lap. Shuichi holds me in his lap as we decide on a movie.

"How about The Darkest Minds?" Shuichi asks, hovering over the play button. I nod excited by the summary. It's about these kids who one day develope powers of some sort. There are ranks for how dangerous they are, and what abilities they have. Green have the enhanced intelligence, they're the least dangerous. Blue have telekinesis, they're not dangerous. Gold have electrokinetic ability, they're in the middle on the danger scale. Red have pyrokinesis, they are dangerous. Finally Orange, the most rare color, and most dangerous of them all. Orange have mind control. They have the ability to erase anything from the human mind, even themselves. Anyways, all of these kids are shipped off to a camp, but the protagonist escapes one day. It's the start of something incredible! This movie looks amazing!

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