6. If You Think It Couldn't Get Worse...

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- Hello! Bakugou Katsuki here but you probably know it already if you're calling me. If you're hearing this, it means I have no time for you, for all I care. Just leave your recording and I'll get back to you. Or not. Just wait for the beep.


- Hey, Kacchan, how are you doing? Sorry for disturbing you but I haven't heard from you for the last three weeks and I'm getting really worried now. That is, we all are. So, are you feeling fine? We are thinking of going out this Friday, would you like to join? It's gonna be me, Shoto, Ochako, Iida... well, you know, the usual bowling lovers, I guess... I'd be fun if you could join, we miss you in the agency! Also, I would love if you could confirm your presence at our wedding, not that I doubt you will come, of course you will, you're one of my friends, it's just we need a number for the ballroom reservation or something, I should ask Ochako for more detail, well, anyways, we would need to know if you're coming alone or bringing someone, did you meet someone these days, is this why you're not answering my messages, please, Kacchan, just text me and it will be fine, by the way, Ochako said you should help me with the wedding outfit because well, you know, you basically prepped everything for your own party and you looked awesome, that is, at your wedd...


In a split second, the phone got crushed against the white wall on another side of Katsuki's bed.

- Rambling, rambling, rambling... is that all you are good with, you fucker?!

The ex-pro hero mumbled under his nose. He slowly turned left, very carefully, to not worsen his already terrible hangover, just to find an unfamiliar body lying next to him. Was it ... a woman?! He delicately swept their bangs to see a man's face. He must have mistaken him because of his long, silky, red hair. 'Tch, I might have drunk a little, but at least I didn't do anything crazy...' Katsuki thought, going to the bathroom. At least trying his best to arrive there, before giving up and puking on the carpet. 'Damn it, Ms Bee is gonna kill me for that...' he thought, but then quickly added 'Wait a moment... do I even have enough to hire a cleaning lady again?'


Katsuki spent all day laying on the sofa, watching tv, with little breaks for vomiting, pissing and smoking. His guest left hours earlier, apparently not having recognised a fallen pro hero at all. He knew his one night stand as Vi, pretty easy target if offered enough vodka with lime. Everyone in the club already knew that much, and that was enough to pay him a visit. He didn't come to talk about Vi's life or to check on his cv, did he?

This day seemed longer than others. It was Saturday but Kat felt no difference. His Saturday was as shitty as his Monday or Wednesday, so why even bother? He could just stay laying there, on the sofa, if not for rumbling in his belly that, without strict training, started feeling a little bit softer.

Suddenly, he recalled that earlier in the morning he smashed his phone. It took him half a day to realise it, because no one would call him anyways, nor he would call anyone. Why did he smash it?

Oh, yes... Deku's rambling shit. Damn, that nerd is so fucking annoying! Talking some shit about his wedding. About how he knew Kacchan would come... like hell he would.

Of course, Katsuki had no intention of going to Broccoli's shitty wedding. He didn't want to look at all those smiling faces, hear those cheesy speeches, cringy music, cheap food. He didn't want to see Izuku happy, all glowing with joy and hope for a better future.

He didn't want to see Kirishima with that new guy at his side, the one that Katsuki just so casually found on Instagram by spending hours on his research - again, just so casually. Younger, thinner, with long blond hair, in a black suit, smiling and waving to the crowds. Some sort of a violinist or other orchestra shit. His Insta page says he's an artist of sound. Katsuki has never seen worse bullshit than this.

So Kirishima was fucking a walking Spotify for losers, so what?

'I bet he can't even blow right' - thought Kat, rolling a third cigarette in a row.


- Just let me leave my cv here, that's all. You don't have to make a decision right now, you can just...

- I said thank you for coming by. Have a lovely day, sir.

Katsuki cursed under his breath, leaving a crowded superstore.

He didn't want this stupid job neither. But a whole month passed since he resigned from the hero agency and at this point, he couldn't even afford a pack of cigarettes. That was more than enough to move his ass and look for something short-term, just to cover some first priority expenses, like a couple of debts, rent, cigarettes, maybe some food if there'd be something left. Of course, any job he'd find would be just for a while, he would still climb the top and show all them fuckers how great, how greater than all of them he is.
He could still come back and kick Deku's ass. He could still win Kirishima over some violin dude. Right?

As the rain started pouring, Kat slowed at his footsteps. He looked up, at a cloudy, grey sky, and sighed. There were people passing around but he didn't hear any sound apart from the raindrops falling on the pavement. No distractions apart from water soaking his hair and clothes.

He didn't have a moment like that in a while - a moment of total silence in his head. A switch off of all negative thoughts that kept degrading everyone and everything around, starting with himself. Kat took a deep breath, feeling wave of air going through his nose and lungs. He closed his eyes, focusing on pleasant sensation of rain gently caressing his face.

For five seconds, Katsuki felt at ease and wished this moment would never stop.





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