Epilogue/ Author's Note II/ Alternative Ending Note

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- As you wish, Katsuki Bakugou. Let's get to work. Let's get you fixed.



5 years later:

What happened 5 years later... tell me, what YOU believe happened! From now on, I want to know YOUR version of this story! 

Let me know what you came up with, my Dearest Reader, I'll read every damn comment in this section. #pestkazkoniaqualitypromise 

Sorry if you feel like I left you hanging. 

I wanted to finish this story with a valid point but still open for interpretation, and I had no intention of prolonging the story just for the sake of idle writing. Yet, I'm curious what you would add if you were me.
Something about Deku's wedding? About a potential romance or a new career? Or maybe about an incurable disease? What ending will you give to Kirishima and others? Let's hear you out in the comments section! I also encourage you to check out other Readers' versions :) 

As per the alternative ending I drafted in my head, you'll find it below the Author's Note.


Author's Note:

Dear Every Damn Reader, 

Thank you all so much for this journey together!!!

It's been an absolute pleasure sharing my scribblings with you, and I'm so grateful for all reads/stars/comments. 

This story is really important to me, I didn't even plan on sharing it, an insecure ass I am, but after all, I didn't get any hate, instead many nice comments, so I think it was worth it. 

I don't know if I'll write a long story again, depends if I'll feel I have something to say.

As for now, I don't want to write just for the sake of it. I want my work to be meaningful, both to me and to all my dear readers. 

Let me know what you think, just be honest.

Thank you all, each of you individually, once again.

Lots of love!!!!! <3 



At some point, on my profile, I mentioned I'd write an alternative ending. 

I decided not to post it, to not derail the ending I had in mind since the very beginning, since the first chapter.
If you're interested what that'd be about, see below:

For an alternative ending, I planned for Katsuki to commit suicide, by jumping from the shopping mall's roof. I wanted him to not be able to cope with self-loathe, guilt and depression. Not being able to get Bakugou or Kirishima back should have broken his heart ultimately. I wanted him to not get help from the outside to show how little impact we have on ourselves. Even if we really want to change, we don't always have means or strength to do so, especially when suffering from various mental diseases.

But then, I realised my story is quite bitter for how similar to reality it is - there are no quirky villains Kat has to fight. 

He needs to face himself and the purpose of his life, pretty much like every single one of us, especially during a painful but fruitful process of growing up. And I thought that's enough, and I should save him more pain than the one he already has endured. 

And the suicide is never an answer.

If there is any lesson coming from my story, I don't want it to be: give up and die.

I want it to be: never give up, but look for professional help and support from others. Whatever you're going through, you are NOT alone. You ARE enough.

Because none of us is able to fix ourselves by our own. Yet,  we all deserve a fresh start.

And that'd be all I have to say...

Thank you all once again. 

Love yourselves. ❤️

Be kind to yourselves. ❤️❤️

Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you're going through, Pestkazkonia, that is myself, sends you all my love and support ❤️❤️❤️

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