23. I Swear I Would Never...

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- Are you going to say something? 

Bakugou delicately raised the pillow from Katsuki's face. 

- Fuck off.

- Katsuki, I just...

- Fuck off, Bakugou. I mean it. 

The teen silently went back to the bedroom. He didn't bother to finish his breakfast, knowing that slurping sounds would only trigger Kat's misophonia. As if he wasn't in a poor emotional state already. Not having anything to do, and not feeling any signs of dissolving, Bakugou just laid in bed, playing some silly games on Kat's smartphone, which the older one left unattended that morning. 

Bakugou really didn't mean to check the gallery. 

For real. 

Pinky promise. 

It just opened itself. 

The teen gulped at the sight of hundreds, if not thousands of Kirishimas. Although the two split up years ago, the gallery was full of screenshots from the Internet and press photos, Red Riot memes, city posters.

Creepy? Yes. 

Disturbing? Like hell. 

Understandable? Totally. 

'This must be the reason Kat struggles with telling me what happened. He's not over Kiri yet. I wonder if he... If I will ever be... How can one live without the sun shining every day? How can one live without Eijiro?' 

Around two hours passed before Katsuki sucked it up and came to the bedroom, disregarding the sight of the teen with his phone. 'I hope he didn't check the gallery' - was all he could think of but he knew it was a stupid wish. If he were himself, which was the exact case, he would start with the gallery. Only then could he check on porn and bank accounts.

- I... umm... I don't know how to say it. 

- Just say it. - Bakugou retorted.


He wanted to hear the truth behind the divorce since the moment he discovered the two were once married.

All Bakugou had ever wanted was to stay close to Kiri, to hold his hand, maybe even touch his phenomenal abs. Well, to be completely honest, he would love to touch him down there too, but, of course, he wouldn't share this thought with anyone. Never ever.
And now... now he just needed to know why all this was taken away from him. 

- I ... I wasn't a good husband material. Toxic. Rotten. The worst. The...

- Oi, oi, fucker, you're starting to lose it again. Focus. - Bakugou sighted. - Look, I know I'm quite hot-headed and everything pisses me off. I know it already so skip the fucked-up man part. It's just, I don't get how this could impact my Kiri. As much as all stupid extras are trash and all should die, starting with Deku of course, I would never hurt Kiri. 

The certainty in the teenager's voice was staggering.

If talking about Masaru's death was difficult, this would be impossible. Especially that Kat still felt yesterday's snacks whirling dangerously in his stomach. 

- Bakugou, I... I'm sorry, I ... I think I would... - Kat raised his head, meeting the teen's eyes. As much as Bakugou's were wild, impatient, Kat's were hollow. Glossy. Beaten. Dead. 

- You would... What exactly?

- I would... - Kat started the sentence, only to gag uncontrollably. Again, he tried to fight his IBS, one of many lateral effects of his lifestyle, in vain. Bakugou just groaned at the sight and smell of their previous day's menu. 

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