15. ... Pain Remains And So Do Bills

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- So, anyways... He set up a meeting in that child home in Kyoto, we were supposed to meet him there...

... We were travelling from another city, that's funny but I don't even remember what we were doing there, but I was eating a chicken bun, and it was spicy, and I just remember we arrived, and we went to that place, and she was there, and she was super nice, and she gave me a hug, and she smelt like roses, but not like rose soap, more like actual flowers, and her hair was blue, I'm not sure if it was dyed or had to do with her quirk, and she was so nice to us, and she said Kiri was handsome, and I was so proud, and then she said we should wait for dad, because he had to sign some paper or something, or she just wanted to keep him in loop, apparently they had been talking about our case for half a year already, and she was so nice, and she gave us chocolate cookies, and I said that I don't eat chocolate, and she smiled, and oh my goodness she was so nice, and then we waited longer, and then it started raining a little, and I got hungry but only a little, and then she said I should call dad, and I said he would be there in a minute because there was no traffic, but he didn't arrive, and she said she would call, because she was really nice, and I said that's fine I can call, and I called, and he didn't answer, he didn't answer his damn phone! He didn't answer my call!!!! He didn't...

Bakugou gently massaged Katsuki's back, as the older one was clearly out of breath and fighting an anxiety attack. The teen didn't know what to do in such a situation so he followed his instinct and just kept hugging delicately, massaging and reassuring the older one. A couple of minutes passed until Katsuki's breath eventually got steadier.

- He didn't answer my call, Bakugou, he didn't...

- Here, it's all right, just breathe, look, breathe with me...

- It's all right, I'm all right, it's fine now, we're fine, it's all right... - Katsuki was mumbling and he would definitely have another attack if not for nausea which urged him to sprint to the toilet.

- You can tell me the rest later, I guess... - Bakugou rolled himself back in the blanket burrito. At this point, he could imagine what the older one could say and he didn't want to hear it just yet. 


Bakugou and Katsuki were eating a soup cooked by the teenager a couple of hours earlier. It was nothing fancy but Katsuki found it special, having someone to prepare food for him. Especially after the long, energy-draining drinking marathon he went through, hoping to avoid his little problem

Bakugou didn't ask about their father for the rest of the day. He felt a wave of remorse for how he had treated Masaru for years, and damn, it was only a teenage boy talking! But he felt that, at such an early stage, he already didn't do his best at being a good son to his dad. He disrespected him, calling him shitty dad, threw tantrums over bullshit, yelled or just ignored, slamming the door of his Here Lives Adult Teenage Man Katsuki Fuck Everyone room. 

And now Masaru is dead. 

And Bakugou has no means to go back and apologise. 

Bakugou, he's going to dissolve anyways. But the older one... the older one will have to live with the same sorrow much longer. 


- Hey... - Bakugou whispered from under the sheets. This night, both slept on the bed, not necessarily touching each other but close enough to feel each other's warmth. - Why did you say it is fine that dad's not with us? Did he... hmm... Did he suffer? 

- Yeah... As I said earlier, he didn't answer my call. He was hit by a car on his way to the child home in Kyoto. To the meeting he set up for me. Hit by a hero's car, to make it funnier, mind you. Killed by a hero... 

- Which one?

- It doesn't matter, there's no point bringing this up. 

Well, after that, he was taken to the hospital. He suffered too much whilst conscious so they eventually put him into coma. He spent a couple of weeks there, I don't know how long, I guess I didn't keep track of time, besides... I wasn't really... hmm... Allowed to visit him. I offered I'd pay for the insurance and his stay in the hospital, I wanted him to wake up and leave that awful place, so I could tell him that I loved him, and that he was the best dad I could imagine but, well, I guess, I mean, he didn't, maybe he just liked sleeping, I don't know, he didn't, you know, he just... He didn't wake up. Passed away. Just like that. 

Bakugou closed his mouth. He recognised Katsuki's hitched rambling as a sign that the older one was close to another mental breakdown and Bakugou didn't want to trigger it again.
He moved closer to Katsuki, not saying anything, eventually falling asleep tightly hugged by strong, loving arms.
He didn't need anything more than that. 


- Aren't you going to work? - Bakugou asked Katsuki, whilst brushing his teeth. 

Since the morning started, he took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, combed his spiky hair. Then, he put his fresh and ironed U.A. uniform clothes, as these were the only ones his size. He prepared a vegetables-based breakfast for both. Meanwhile, the older version of the same human stayed in bed way longer, until finally dragged himself with lots of effort, put a coffee on a stove, lighted a cigarette and went to do his business. 

- You could at least wash your face... I swear to god, you smell like shit. 

- Fuck off. 

- So... Are you going to work or not? As a Number Four Hero...

- Fuck off, you little shit. Nothing but criticising. Do this, do that, eat this, eat that, don't smoke, brush your teeth, go to sleep, wake up, go to work, what's gonna be next, clean your ass?! 

- Yeah, that too. You smell like...

- You already said that, thank you very much. - Katsuki did not sleep well.

In fact he barely slept, being waken up by a nightmare about his father's gruesome death. He spent previous nights God-knows-where and felt the urge of leaving his flat once again. The only reason he didn't leave this time was this poor, depressed teenager curled in his arms, pushing himself onto Kat for his dear life all night, as if he was fighting another nightmare. 

- I'm not going to work.Theyareallstupidshitfacesandfiredmethatismademequitmyjobandihatethem...

- What are you rambling under your dirty nose, you stinky shithead? 


Bakugou clenched his fists, not believing it. 

He's 27-years-old.

His father is dead and his mother disowned him.

His hair is falling.

His teeth are yellowish.

He's divorced. (Bakugou made a mental note to ask for more details but knew he had to hold on a little longer)

He smells like shit.

He's unemployed. 

He's a dirty slut.

He's a fucking failure.

He hates himself. 

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