28. How Can One Live Without Its Sunshine

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Bakugou has never felt so numb before, so at loss. 

The amount of pain he felt after his own mother locked the door in front of him, after telling him to leave as if he was some kind of unwanted trump, her words, her glare, and on top of everything, some fucking guy who for sure wasn't Bakugou's dad... his dad... who is dead by now... 

The teenager slowly crossed the street, not minding cars and passers-by moving around. 

He didn't care about anything. Nothing mattered.

Piiiiii - a quiet sound tingled in his ears. All his eyes managed to register, were blurred outlines of buildings in front of him. Painful nothingness covered his mind as he moved unconsciously, finding himself on a bench in a park he didn't recognise anymore. Only after half an hour of idle sitting did he register pain in his chest and tingling in his ears. Up to this point, he probably did feel it but wasn't aware of what was happening. 

The boy noticed the sun hiding behind the buildings, cool evening breeze and the first drops of rain touching his red cheeks. He wondered what would be Katsuki doing? Did he go to his favourite club already? Would he be watching tv rolled in blankets? Would he miss Bakugou, at least a little? Just a little little little... 

Bakugou knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to go to visit Kirishima. Number Three Hero Red Riot... he wanted it so badly! 

But... he wanted to see his mum desperately too, and ended up hurting more than ever. Well, everything he learned left him heartbroken but it was different, being rejected by Mitsuki in person. A whole new level of mental torture the teen wasn't prepared for. 

Should he pay a short visit to Kiri too? Is he ready to see the 27-years-old pro-hero, to tell him that... that what? That he's sorry? Sorry for crushing their dreams? For abusing his dear husband? For turning into a villain - no, for revealing he has been a villain the whole time? Deku is wrong. Katsuki Bakugou is a villain and no sweet words of Number One Hero can change that. 

Bakugou shoved his hand into his pocket, checking how much money he got left. He thought of spending a night in the hotel but then he realised not only was he a minor, but he didn't even have any proof of identity, being only a duplication of another human being. 

He had three difficult conversations today and desperately needed to rest, but the thought of coming back... how could he confront Katsuki now, how could he tell him that he butted in his life and approached such important people like All Might, Deku, damn, even his mother? He wasn't sure of Kat's reaction to something like this. He was totally terrified of his older self. 

- Excuse me, what time is it? 

- Half past six. 

With a deep sigh, the teen stood up and dragged himself in the direction of the house his older self used to share with Kirishima. He knew that Kiri was still living there, thank you very much gossip websites. He also knew Red Riot wasn't living there alone and this thought squeezed tight in his throat. 

It was around an hour later when Bakugou finally reached his final destination. He was panting slightly, covered in sweat from all-day walking and stress, shivering due to rainy weather, starving, as all he ate this day were two sandwiches and two coffees, which didn't taste that bad, after all. 

Knock knock.

Bakugou gulped at the sound of the door opening. Too scared to look up, he didn't even notice who opened the door. 

- How can I help you? - a blond guy asked politely. 

- Can I talk to Ei... Kirishima? Please? 

- I'm sorry, Red Riot is having his free time right now, I don't think...

- Tell him it's me. 

The blond musician blinked a couple of times. The teenager waiting on his doorstep sounded as if he or his new boyfriend were supposed to know him. Did Kirishima know him? 

- You... Who exactly? 

- Bakugou.

- Bakugou?! 

The boy looked up just to meet the rounded eyes of his favourite person in the world. Kirishima was standing there, in a red apron and red crocs, mouth wide open, a pan in his hand, having shouted Bakugou's surname at the same time as the teen presented himself. 

- I'll leave you, guys. - the blond gently moved out of the scene. 

- Are you... Are you coming in? - Kirishima mumbled, making way to greet an unexpected guest.

- No, thank you... Just wanted to see you, really. Didn't mean to disturb you... Again...

- Can I help? Are you, uh, hit by a youngering quirk? Don't you have a place to stay? 

- Nah, my 27-years-old self is fine. I'm his duplication. About to dissolve sometime, not sure yet when, though. Look, Ei, I just...

Bakugou blushed, realising the way he called the now Number Three Pro Hero. 

- Sorry, I meant Kiri... Kirishima. I'm sorry, I don't know why... 

- Hey, shush, it's OK, why don't you enter and we sit down for a second, you seem out of breath. Here, here, don't cry, look, the living room is empty... 

Bakugou hasn't even started talking and felt lost already. As Kirishima went to the kitchen to exchange a couple of words with his partner and bring some water for the teen, Bakugou quickly looked around to notice the nice décor of this place he would love to live in. He used to live in.

- Thanks for the water. - he mumbled, blushing, as their fingers touched each other at the rim of the glass. He still was very much in love with the 15 years-old sunshine he knew and seeing him in this new version was... Unexpected? Bizarre? Hot as hell? 

- I came to say sorry, Kirishima. I'm so, so, so terribly sorry... Carrying this awful guilt in me, like I can't breathe, like nothing matters anymore, like the life is crushing me and a-and and I can't move, I can't live l-like that, and it's so awful, and I've been so awful, a-and when I learnt what I have done to you, to you!!!!, I couldn't even process the amount of pain that hit me, like a truck, right in my chest, and I couldn't b-breathe, and... and... 

- Calm down, Bakugou, here, drink some water. - Kirishima pulled the trembling teen closer, massaging his back. 

Kiri knew Katsuki regretted his actions.

Regardless, Kiri chose to move on and didn't plan on changing it. He knew that, as much as he had loved Katsuki since high school and didn't see him as a villain, Eijiro was now happy in a new, steady relationship which he cherished with all his heart. 

The relationship with Katsuki was just like his ex-husband - hot-headed, explosive. One day Katsuki was his best friend and a passionate lover willing to offer everything he's got, just to turn into an emotionally unstable abuser unable to cope with major life crises one day later. With his new partner, Kiri learnt the value of mutual trust and tranquillity he needed. Nothing felt better than coming back home after a long shift as a pro hero to find hot dinner and a warm embrace, instead of broken glass and a couple of insults.  

He was aware of how the duplication quirks worked, in general. If the teenager was apologising, it means he must have learnt from his older version of what had happened. Kiri gasped. He must have learnt it all! Not only the reason for the divorce but the dark truth behind Katsuki's relation with Mitsuki, adoption struggles, Masaru... No wonder the little boy was a sobbing mess, longing for reassurance from someone he knew. Technically speaking, this little one wasn't responsible for the abuse, being 14 or 15. Kiri shouldn't give him a cold shoulder due to the past the teen was not a witness of. 

- Tell me, Bakugou. Take your time. I'll listen. 

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