21. Villains Need A Break Too

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1. Why is shitty Deku Number One Hero? Why can't Katsuki win with fucking Broccoli? What's wrong with this damn world?

2. Why did people tell him he is special if he is not? Why did adults lie in his face? Were they having fun, humiliating him?

3. Where does his usual anger come from? - he needs to crack this one quickly if he wants to trade with Katsuki and hear about the divorce.

4. When exactly is he going to start losing hair?


The first question was easy to answer :

Shitty Deku is just a lucky bastard who's got it all and everyone loves him. Even Mitsuki used to be polite and giggly with Deku in a way she'd never been with her own son. Bakugou recalled one time when Deku had broken a vase in their living room, burst into tears like a pussy, and was instantly hugged by Mitsuki - 'It was an old piece of crap anyways, darling'.

Three weeks later, 7-years old Bakugou broke the second vase of the same service to be hugged too, just to be sent to his room without dinner. If even his mum liked Deku more, there was nothing he could do. Deku was born the luckiest kid in the world, and Katsuki didn't, and it was a fact to accept and carry on.

The second question was more difficult because it forced him to admit that he is not special. He grew up believing so, as he was often overpraised for his strong quirk by all damn extras. Being a competitive bastard he is, he worked hard towards his goals and, being smart and analytical, ensured his victory many times. The only person he could not win with was shitty Deku. Deku was the one to win Mitsuki's love, All Might's trust, Number One Hero's title. No matter how weak Deku seemed to be in Bakugou's eyes, he was the special one in the eyes of the world.

Maybe people called Bakugou special to toy with his feelings. Seeing how much he wanted to win, they were lying in his face and were amused by his efforts. Like a submissive pet on a leash, waltzing for his owners. He was never special, he was a butt of a joke.

Katsuki must have realised it at some point, which led him to the state he was in. The only difference between Katsuki and Bakugou up until this point, apart from 12 years of life experience, was the fact Kat knew he was not special at all. When Bakugou realised this simple truth, his opinion on both his older self and himself has done a 180degree flip.

Katsuki is a living joke.

But so is Bakugou.


This day went quite unnoticed. Both boys were too busy fighting headaches and negative thoughts to pay attention to each other.

Given both desperately needed a break, Bakugou took his sweet time to walk around the city, marvelling at some of the biggest changes. Everything seemed maximised - buildings were higher, noise was louder, people walked faster. Or maybe it was just his impression given his poor mental state.

'A boy or a girl? Big reveal with Ashido Mina and Hanta Sero at MyHeroNewsTV This Thursday at 7pm!'

Bakugou frowned at a giant poster featuring his old friends. He felt uneasy for three reasons.

First, seeing Mina and Sero as grown-ups, it was just odd. Mina with a rounded belly and Sero with... wait, is it a moustache?! What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!

Then, he thought how it must be affecting Katsuki and his paternal instinct which, Bakugou was sure of it, was still bubbling inside Kat. The teenager had no interest in babies' stuff but if Kat wanted it badly, seeing giant photos of his lucky friends must be frustrating, at least.

At last: the teen recalled how uncomfortable he felt when reading news about his own life, his privacy shamelessly displayed for anyone to see and judge. He's always wanted to become Number One Hero to kick villains' asses, not to be exposed in front of the extras he wanted to fight or save.
Definitely wouldn't want weak extras commenting on his ability to have kids or not.

'Poor Katsuki...' - Bakugou thought and blushed.

Guilt crept into his mind, recalling his first words to the older self:

'I'm myself and I'm awesome, you're shit!'.

That was low. Being a stinky slut with depression, PTSD and hair loss, Katsuki did not deserve to be humiliated by his younger self. He's had enough of his own shit to add Bakugou's tantrum on top of that.

The rest of the day, Bakugou spent at the arcades playing the newest games with the best fucking graphics he could even imagine, and watched some shitty movie about exploding cars and guys in the space. Stupid as fuck but the explosions were lit.


- Did you have fun? - Katsuki yelled from the bedroom. In contrast to his younger version, he had an awful time, sulking over his shitty past and yearning for as simple thing as a hug from someone he loved. Not that he would ever admit that, of course.

- You could say so.

- Good. I'm glad you're finally home.

- Why, you old fucker?

- I was shitting my pants that you'd dissolve in the middle of the crowd or something. Then I'd never know if you left or just vanished. Plus, can you imagine these stupid extras' shitty faces?

- Here. Brought you some doughnuts.

Kat accepted the gift with gratitude. He felt he was being unfair towards his younger self all this time. He was showering him with bad news, and didn't even move his finger to prepare some food or other shit. Not to mention that time when he left the teenager alone for nearly two days, choosing to get drunk instead. He wanted badly to give some good news to Bakugou. The problem was he didn't know if he had any.

- Oi, fucker, wanna play some games?

- Like what?

- Well, they released a couple of good ones in the last 12 years. What about this one?

- What's that?

- One of my favourites. It's an RPG where you are this cool dude, Vi, who lives in the future, in Night City, and needs to do some cool stuff. There's Keanu Reeves too.

- Vi? Is this why that other guy called you that?

Katsuki blushed. He wanted to forget that unpleasant meeting between whoever-the-red-head-guy-was and Bakugou. The naughty lover who slapped his ass in front of the teen... WORST. MEMORY. EVER.

- What can I do? I really like this game.

Without further ado, Kat turned the pc on, took the gamepad and relaxed on the sofa. Bakugou sat next to him, munching on some snacks he found in the kitchen.

This was fun.

They had fun.

The game was great and special effects just blew Bakugou's mind. There were some glitches here and there but overall, for Bakugou, it was the most amazing game he's ever seen. Katsuki was really good at it too.

None of them mentioned what they talked about the previous night. Bakugou didn't ask about the divorce. Katsuki didn't ask about his anger issues.

As if there was an unspoken truce they agreed on, as if they finally respected each other a little bit more.

Little did they know each of them had their own agenda.

Katsuki was prolonging the peace hoping that Bakugou would dissolve before getting a chance to ask about the divorce.

Bakugou was hoping that keeping Kat in a good mood would increase a chance to hear the truth about the divorce.

All they needed to do was to hold on just a little while longer.

And enjoy the silence before the storm.

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