16. Working With All Might? Must Be Awesome!

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- Are you dissolving? Do you feel something? 


This day seemed longer than others. 

Katsuki wanted to get drunk badly, to release his built-up tension in another man's company, as he got used to do for the last two years. For crying out loud, he couldn't even jerk himself off in the shower, knowing the second he was on the other side of the wall, let alone bring someone home! So fucking frustrating! He felt trapped in his flat but, at the same time, felt truly ashamed for having left the teen all alone the last time. 'The man asked to show myself love or some shit, well here I am, showing love to myself and not to my dick, I guess'. 

Bakugou, on another hand, was dying to know why Katsuki was only the Number Four Hero (used to be, before getting fired), why did they fire him and how it was to work with All Might. He was pretty sure the ranting went as follows:

1. All Might

2. Endeavour

3. Red Riot

4. Ground Zero 

5 & Others. Bunch of fucking losers.

It didn't occur to him to ever doubt himself, despite 12 years passed from the last time he checked official rankings.

He also wanted to understand what 'I fucked everything up' meant in Kirishima's context but his instinct prevented him from going straight to this point. He saw it on Katsuki's face, the amount of pain and sorrow, as well as shame, it seemed to be something more serious that he could imagine. 'Maybe I'll dissolve before getting to that point? Save this fucker from shitting his pants over this?' 

- How was it, working with All Might? - he blurred out. He couldn't watch the news because there was no TV in Katsuki's flat and he didn't want to steal the pc again. 

- What's that to you, little shithead? 

- You're gonna tell me and it better be good. Also, take a shower goddamnit. You smell of piss. You're fucking disgusting. I don't know how anyone would even touch you, let alone... 

- Let alone do me? Whoever I please. It's not easy to find an ex pro hero to open his legs for you, you get to take what comes by. - somehow, Katsuki really enjoyed humiliating his younger version. For all humiliation he had to endure, it seemed only fair to torture the little one too.

- ...

- ...

- I'm gonna repeat myself for the last time: how was it? To work with him

Fifteen minutes passed, as Katsuki rolled and smoked his cig, mostly to annoy the teen at this point.
'Shit, I'm so annoying! I remember being disciplined and uptight but damn, I'm a little fucker, that's what I am! And I thought to be special?! Fucking pain in ass. No wonder I had no friends.' 

- Well? You finished feeding your cancer? Can you answer my question now? 

- I don't know. I've never worked with All Might. 

- ...

- ...

- You... Never... Wait, what? He's... He's Number One Hero, right? And you were Number Four, so...

- He stopped being Number One Hero. Exactly 12 years ago. 

Bakugou did some quick math in his head, standing up in a hurry.

- Wait, what? What?! - his voice broke a little bit and Katsuki knew what state the teenager would be, once discovered the truth. - It's around my age! Why?! What happened?!

Katsuki lit up another cigarette. 'Oh, fuck that, that's probably the easiest part till now. Let's wait until this little fucker circles back to Kirishima, that one's gonna be damn painful'. 

- I happened. I fucked All Might up. 

If Bakugou didn't know himself, he'd take these words as a joke. But he knew how far from joking he usually was. Straight to the point. Often, at the cost of others' feelings. Too damn often.

- What are you saying? How could someone like you possibly be an end to All Might? He's fucking All Might, damn it!!!

- I fucked up. During the summer camp, in the first year... You're the first year, right? 

- Yeah, first semester.

- Well, during the summer camp, we got attacked by that stupid Shit Of Villains or some other crap. It was my fault, of fucking course, I wasn't strong enough. Mum beat the shit out of me for that so please, spare me your comments. They captured me hoping I'd join their little circle of lowlifes with my villainous quirk. I opposed as much as I could, damn, I was even saved by a bunch of pro heroes, led by All Might, and - believe it or not - by a group of I-A students too. 

- Which ones? - Bakugou couldn't let this one slip. He felt homesick and thinking about his classmates coming to save him from some sick cult warmed his heart. 

- Glasses guy, girl with a ponytail, Icy Hot, Deku and Kiri. - at hearing that Deku was at the scene, Bakugou frowned.

He was very much at the stage of hating Deku's guts. 

At 27, he still was at the very same stage. 

- They came with a plan to save me, I guess, whatever. It was super ballsy. Then, it turned out the brain behind the freaky club was that nemesis of All Might who totally destroyed Number One Hero. All Might didn't die, you could say he still won against the guy, but he lost nearly all of his super powers. That day, it was the end of All Might as you know him. - Kat explained, and added, whispering: - It wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a weak lazy ass up until that point, you know? 

Even if Katsuki didn't really want to hurt Bakugou, part of him wanted to split the never-leaving guilt by half. Of course, he fucking knew this news would destroy Bakugou, he remembered very well how it felt. By throwing the responsibility on his younger version, however, he felt just a little bit better with himself. A little bit lighter. If it made any sense. After all, both were the same person. And yet, he felt like he could breathe again.

- You're lying. I'm extra strong. I'm the best. I'm special. There's no way...

- You're what?! You're special?! Excuse you, you little bitch?! Look at you and your funny hero costume! At your stupid face and shitty attitude! You're special? Where, show me, I must be fucking blind! You're a fucking KID who thinks to be something, when all he is, is a fucking WEAK crying pussy who can't even type porn in a browser! Who every now and then CRIES before going to sleep! Who fucking yells at everyone because is fucking SHIT-SCARED of the real world! Of not being good enough!  Who's so fucking weak, that his weakness brought an end to All Might!!!!!!!!!!!

- ...

Bakugou clenched his fists, putting all his strength into not bursting into tears. He felt his heart racing and his jaw trembling but he didn't want to give this satisfaction to Katsuki. 


Katsuki is wrong.

Katsuki is weak. 

Bakugou is strong.

Katsuki is a crying pussy.

Bakugou is special. 

Katsuki fucked up.

Bakugou... he recalled that night when he cried himself to sleep after not having been chosen as the class rep. And the one after having lost to Deku and Round Face. When he cried for not having been properly recognised. Not having been enough

He, Bakugou, he fucked up way before he turned up into that monster of Katsuki. 

Bakugou was weak and he knew it. And it hurt. 

27 And Counting (Adult Katsuki Bakugou MHA)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt