18. Love Your Neighbour, Unless It's Deku

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- Fucking Deku. I hate his guts. I hope he dies.

Apparently, Bakugou didn't like news about his old school friend being Number One Hero. He was scrolling through the news section, checking how others were dealing with their lives. 

Meanwhile, Katsuki for once decided to listen to his younger self and took a long, refreshing, bubbly shower, feeling how his spirits lifted in an instant after rinsing off some grease from his blonde hair.

Maybe life isn't that bad after you apply some caramel-flavoured moisturiser? 

Wait, who is he kidding. 

Life's bad.

- Yeah dude, me too. He even invited me to his shitty wedding. Who does he think he is...

- Of course, you're not going. Are you? - Bakugou grunted, whilst reading about the event of the year

He had noticed how Round Face was looking at fucking Broccoli since the beginning of the semester but damn, they did take time to get to the final base. At the same age, Katsuki was already divorced and dealing with existential crisis, a couple of traumas and pretty heavy anxiety, not counting quite impressive body count. And losing hair prematurely. Falling hair -  a crucial part of being a damn loser. 

Mina and Sero got married and were expecting their first baby. Shoto was a boss of some super extra crazy hero stuff company working overseas, as far from his shitty dad as possible. Not married yet but looking hot as hell, in a black suit a la Bond, with his bicolour hair pulled into a medium length ponytail and nerdy glasses. And that ass!!! 

Momo was drowning in money by owning... what exactly? Something about shares or shareholding companies, or some other business adult stuff with difficult words. 

Jirou started her own rock band. One could find her newly released album on Spotify. This shit was super cool. 

- Of fucking course. The least thing I want to see is Deku's stupid smiley face. And other extras. And Kirishima's new fuckboy. 

Bakugou frowned. 

Of fucking course. 

The world has not stopped moving on only because it has stopped moving around Bakugou Katsuki. 

- Hey, you wanna go for a walk? 

- Whereabout? 

- Dunno. Some pizza or other crap. I'm starving. 


The walk was surprisingly pleasant. 

Bakugou expected some sour bickering from Katsuki, a type of sweet revenge after having bombarded him with many difficult questions over the last days. 

Kat came up with this idea as a sort of truce and an unspoken apology for having left the teen all by himself not long ago. He expected Bakugou to throw sarcastic comments every two damn steps but that did not happen.

Both surprised each other in a positive way, by showing the other one respect. It was odd. Unnatural. Yelling, bickering, kicking rocks on the pavement, being angry, frustrated - that was natural. That's what both expected from each other. 

Could Katsuki mellow a little bit for the needy teenager at his left? 

Could Bakugou mature a little to catch up to an adult at his right?

- I don't get how DEKU can be Number One Hero. He's so weak and shitty. He's pathetic. 

Bakugou started a conversation, munching a slice of pizza. They arrived at a pizzeria in the nearest park and were enjoying both food and the view. 

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