7. ... World Will Prove You Wrong

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- FUCK!!!!!!!

A piercing sound of muffled curse and something - someone? - falling down  startled people passing by a grocery store. 

Not realising what just happened, Katsuki instinctively cursed and covered his head as he fell down on his back, something heavy and cold crushing his body. He heard some voices around, people stopping and looking at him with worry, some brave citizens coming closer. At least they didn't seem to recognise him from his days of glory, given his casual sweatpants and greasy bangs hidden under the black hoodie. Yes, he went in PJs to look for a job, so what, who says he fucking couldn't do that???

- Are you all right, sir? Here, let me help you, can you stand up? - he could hear some muffled voices here and there, unable to move for a second.

Kat frowned, trying to focus. Here he is, alive, in one piece. He can see and hear, which is good, must be good, that means he's still here, on the earth, for all he wished to die, but whatever. His ass and back hurt from the unexpected collision but nothing seems to be broken. There is some cold wire on him. No, it's not a wire, it's a bike. Some fucker ran into him with his fucking bike! Fucking pathetic! 'If only it was some badass villain... but no, I've just got hit by some shitty bicycle, what the heck!'

The bike owner, a plump man in his forties, tried standing up but fell down instantly.

- Fuck, I must have twisted my ankle... for fuck's sake, not now! - he groaned. He looked at Katsuki, who was still sitting on the pavement, breathing quickly. His body started trembling out of nowhere, its owner not seeming to be conscious of what was happening to him. 

- Oh no, fuck fuck fuck!!! - the man who caused the incident yelled in panic.

He quickly moved the bike from Kat's bruised body. It was getting even more strange - shaking uncontrollably, contorting slightly. Tears forming in his eyes, saliva dripping from his semi-opened mouth.

- Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! - the man started rambling, getting closer to Katsuki who looked like he was about to die. It wasn't clear whether he was fully conscious at that moment or not. But whatever was going on, surely hurt him as fuck.

- Move on, people, make space, leave us alone! Move, move, nothing to see here, we're fine! Move! - the bike owner yelled, trying to scatter a small crowd.

As it was raining, people eventually dispersed one after another. The sight at Katsuki's twisted body was far from pleasant.

It took around ten minutes for Kat to come back to his senses. He attempted to sit down slowly, touching his body here and there, looking for broken limbs or twisted parts. He cleaned his mouth quickly, happy to not have puked in the middle of the street, given he was still a little yesterdayish. Yet, everything seemed to be fine. 'Why the heck am I laying on the street?' - a quick thought passed through his mind. 'Oh, right, the bike guy...'

As he sat up, he slowly opened his eyes... only to shut them again.

- Hey, man, can you hear me? - the bike owner carefully crouched next to Katsuki. - Are you all right?

The ex-pro hero touched his head. 'Fuck, it's broken. It's totally broken, I've reached my limit, I swear I won't drink ever again, never ever, I swear to all gods that exist, just don't make me go crazy, I don't want to go crazy, I...'

- Say something, man, are you all right? - the man's voice softened, as he carefully put his hand on Kat's shoulder.

- Fuck off... I'm... hallucinating...

- No, you're not. - the man stated simply.

The confidence in his deep voice made Katsuki shiver. He opened his eyes again. What he was looking at was...

... himself.
Bakugou Katsuki was looking at Bakugou Katsuki sitting next to him, not less confused than himself (which one was himself at this point? None of them seemed to be sure). The only difference was in their age - the other Bakugou Katsuki was not 27 but 15. At least something around that age. Vivid eyes, around 170cm, freshly washed and ironed U.A. uniform. Soft, glowing skin. No wrinkles around his eyes. Pearly white teeth, no coffee or cigarette stains. And his full, spiky hair, so much more bushy compared to the older one's, sitting there on a street in his sweatshirt reeking of cheap vodka and sweat. 

- Fuck. I'm gonna go bald. - the 15-year-old spit out of nowhere.

- I'm sorry, mister, I didn't mean to cause you trouble... - the man standing in the middle of Bakugous gave the older one his hand, helping him stand. It looked like his ankle was not twisted after all. - Can you stand straight? Anything hurt?

- I'm fine, or at least, I think I'm fine... what the fuck?! - The older blonde looked at the man with panic in his eyes. - Why am I seeing and hearing myself?! I swear I drank only two bottles, I swear I'm not crazy, I...

- Look, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to... - the man looked down. - I'm sorry for crushing you, but hey, you stopped in the middle of the street like a fucking moron, I didn't have time to react. I think that triggered my quirk. I didn't mean to but... it just happened.

'So I'm not crazy yet. I am probably seeing myself as a result of this fucker's shitty quirk. Giving others crazy hallucinations, how original''.

- So that's why I'm hallucinating right now? Because you're a shithead of a cyclist? 

- You're not hallucinating, old fucker! - a younger blonde version of the same human yelled from the top of his lungs. - I'm myself and I'm fucking awesome, you're some shit! How dare you even complain about me!! Die!!!

- ...

- The young you is right. You are not hallucinating. Let me explain but first, let's move under some roof, I'm all soaked already. 

Both blondes followed the man to the nearest cafeteria, not saying a word. 

'Fuck, I'm the last person I want to see right now!' - older one thought, biting his bottom lip in anger and resentment, still a little bit groggy and confused about what has just happened. 

'Fuck, I'm gonna go bald.' - younger one thought, cautiously touching his head to check if the hair has started falling already.

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