31. Accept Me For I Don't Accept Myself

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After the door closed, Katsuki did cry.

He cried, loudly and nastily, tears and snot decorating his face, lips red from biting, for what seemed like hours. 

He couldn't let his guilt go so easily. It's not like someone tells you you're wrong and you move on, is it? Guilt he'd been carrying was so potent, it became one of the factors that shaped Katsuki's whole persona. Taking it out of the equation left the ex-pro hero empty and unsure of himself. 

And if it wasn't enough, Bakugou visited All Might!!! Where would the teenager be now? Why didn't he come back home after two weeks? Did he dissolve somewhere in a dark corner of a street, all alone, without Katsuki lovingly holding his trembling hand and whispering sweet  nothings, and ensuring he would change for the teen's sake?! How could the universe be so cruel?!!! 

Then, after the cathartic crying session and another bottle of rum and nausea, it clicked in Kat's mind. 

If Bakugou had enough balls to face All Might... could he go somewhere else?! Did he speak to... Kat made a mental note of people they spoke about:

1. Kiri - no, no way Bakugou would go to Red Riot's house just to see him with another guy, just to tell him... what exactly? A big no no... right??

2. Mum - he might have tried this one but Kat knew there was no point contacting Mitsuki. Even if part of him wanted Bakugou to go home, be hugged and invited in by his mother, he knew

3. Could Bakugou be so blunt to contact fucking Broccoli?! 

Kat dialled Number One Hero's number.


- K-kacchan! Are you alright?! - voice trembling from excitement, mumbling, 'Kacchan'. Deku would never change. 

- Can we meet or something?

- Yes, sure, I'm at the agency, why don't you come by? Everyone will be thrilled to see you!

- Thrilled my ass. Let's meet at your place after your shift.


Katsuki sighed, looking at neatly trimmed grass and colourful flowers decorating Izuku's mansion. Everything there was just so... perfect. Ugh. Gross.

- K-kacchan! - of fucking course Deku wouldn't wait for him to get closer to the door. He just ran straight at his guest, not bothering even to change flip-flops to something more fitting.

- Oi, oi, stop it, Deku! Fuck, you're ruining my hair! - Kat mumbled, but he secretly enjoyed the tight embrace he was forcibly pulled into. It felt right. Even if it was only Deku. 

- I came to ask you something stupid, you don't have to answer but...

- You came to talk about your younger version, didn't you? 

So it did happen. 

Bakugou did meet Deku. 

'Bakugou, you brat...' - Kat didn't know whether to feel proud or embarrassed. 

- Let's get in, Ocha was prepping some lasagne, we can eat together. 

A couple of weeks earlier, Kat's pride wouldn't allow him such mellowness. But now, it was a different story.

- Thanks, um, I haven't eaten this shit in ages...

- So... What did I tell you? Sorry, that sounds... - Katsuki started as the three of them sat down. Ochako was sensitive enough to not butt in, so she just quietly kept eating, smiling at Kat devouring her lasagne like it was his last meal. Scored some points here for sure.

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