26. Number One Villain Meets Number One Hero

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Bakugou's heart ached at the sight of All Might turning his back. 

He knew they couldn't spend more time together, the retired hero had to teach a new generation of great people, yet he felt empty. Left alone. 

He didn't plan that far ahead and was thinking about whether he should go back home or go for a walk. He was walking mindlessly until he got hit with a new idea. He looked at the huge poster showing The Number One Hero. Working in the Pro Hero Agency in the centre, not far from the U.A. And just so luckily, Bakugou knows this route by heart.


It was impossible to access the building so the teen waited patiently, sitting on the pavement nearby, careful to not get spotted by his old friends - heroes in their 20s. He marvelled at how some of them changed. He didn't want to approach them to avoid ruckus, especially knowing his older self caused enough trouble already.

Finally, after some time of sitting on the pavement and eating cheap sandwiches from the corner shop, he noticed Deku in his green outfit entering the agency. Was he in there the whole time? What was he working on? 'Probably them damn papers'...

- Deku! Oi, Deku! - he shouted, trying to approach the pro hero, and not being kicked by a crowd of fans who gathered from nowhere. 

Thankfully, Izuku glared in his direction, shivers going through his body. This voice, these eyes... his past caught up to him in one instant. There he was - loud, obnoxious, daring, 15 years-old Kacchan.

- Kacchan? - Izuku stepped into his direction and dragged a little further from the crowd. Before Bakugou could react, Izuku pulled him into a warm hug, leaving the teenager speechless. - Kacchan, I'm so glad to see you!

Of course. Like this green bean could ever change.

- Stop it Midorya, you're squeezing me...

Izuku took a step back, analysing his young friend.

- So... a youngering quirk, is it? A duplicating one? An illusion? Who am I speaking to?

- I see you've barely changed, Deku. - Bakugou smiled, feeling a wave of warmth in his heart. This was good, this was familiar. With Izuku being, well, Izuku, the teen felt grounded in the reality he knew. Being called Kacchan once again was the best thing that could happen right now.
- It's re-creation. The old me is at home, doing god knows what. Probably drinking and jerking off. It's kind of my whole personality now...

Izuku, being the observant genius he is, gently squeezed teen's hands. He led him towards a shadowed corner between two buildings and sat on the pavement cross-legged, motioning the teen to follow.

- I see... How long have you been around, Kacchan?

- I'm not sure, I think two weeks or so, but I wasn't looking at the calendar. Too much to learn, you know...

- Does the older Kacchan know you're here? I'm sure he's upset, you should...

- Upset? He's relieved to say at least, if not dancing in joy! - Bakugou said it as a joke but his heart ached a little bit. - He couldn't wait for me to dissolve. He ran into that guy who duplicated him but as he wasn't controlling his quirk at the moment, we don't know how long I would be hanging around. I don't feel like dissolving yet, though.

- So... The old Kacchan doesn't know you're here?

- No, I left before that old fucker woke up. Probably thinks I'm gone and celebrating... or something...

- No, no, I'm pretty sure he's worried about you. If you let me call him, I can...

- Midorya, stop it.

Bakugou's tone got serious, his fists and jaw clenched. The teen looked at the pavement for a while before raising his eyes to meet Izuku's.

- It doesn't matter. Leave him be. Leave me be.

A moment of silence.

- I ... I came to apologise. For everything. - Bakugou lowered his head again, blushing, fidgeting his fingers, not sure how to deal with such an unfamiliar situation. He thought it'd be easier after apologising to All Might but as these kind emerald eyes looked at him, he felt exposed, transparent, as if Izuku looked through his whole entity. 

It was terrifying.

- For everything you have done to me when we were kids? - Izuku pushed a little bit, no malicious tone in his voice.

- That, yes, but also for all the rest. I'm sorry, I really am... - Bakugou felt a single tear gathering in his eye. - I... I n-never wanted you to k-kill yourself!

Izuku put his arm on a trembling teen's shoulder. He has always known Bakugou was not a villain, he was just angry and immature, and a victim of domestic abuse. For years, Izuku had played a role as his outlet for everything that had happened within the closed walls of Bakugous. As he understood at an older age, it was partly his responsibility, for letting his friend humiliate him without any consequences, for not informing the adults about Bakugou's situation. He didn't victim-blame himself, being the righteous hero he is, he just felt responsible for not reacting to the abuse his friend was facing. Fortunately, Izuku was also mature enough to be able to accept the past. He couldn't expect too much of a 7 years-old boy, who just wanted to be a part of a peers' group, to think like the now 27-years-old hero.

- I know it, Kacchan. I always knew. You're not a villain.

- I.. I'm n-not?

Izuku passed a tissue to the teenager.

- Of course, you're not. If you were, wouldn't you be a part of LOV right now? Would we be having this conversation?

Bakugou looked surprised at the pro hero in front of him. After all he learnt about himself... For a second, he saw Deku for who Izuku Midorya really is. For a second, he thought of Deku to be strong. Not physically but strong at heart. He had never seen Deku in this light before.

- I g-guess not...

- That's right, Kacchan. You've always followed your moral compass, no matter the circumstances. I've always admired you for that.

- Trust me, there's not much to admire now... - Bakugou blushed at a reminder of his older self, toxic and abusive, probably getting drunk in a gay club right now. Or doing some other gross adult stuff. Happy to be alone and free to ruin his life without the petty teen at his side.

- I think there is still a lot of good in you, Kacchan. Whatever you think about the older you, don't judge him too harshly. I've seen what he's been through. And I wish I could help, but he just doesn't let me get closer, no matter how hard I try, he...

- Could you stop trying? - Bakugou asked, surprising both.

- What do you mean?

- Could you do me a favour and stop trying to help me? I'm only 15 years old, I don't know shit about life or others but if there's one thing I know, it's myself, and I know any time you try to help me, it only triggers me. Humiliates me. Why you, Midoriya? Why is it you who tries so hard, despite everything that happened? Why is it you who has become the Number One Hero? Why is it you who's happy? Why is it you who All Might chose as his successor? Why is it you my mother loves more than me? Is this why, every time you try to help me, I feel like you're hurting me even more?

Izuku froze. Every time he tried to help Kacchan, the other felt... humiliated? Is it because he was.. jealous? The pro hero facepalmed himself. Of fucking course! As Izuku spent most of his life being jealous of Kacchan who'd had it all, a great quirk, a wealthy family, and great perspectives, he didn't think about what he, Izuku, had. And, according to young Bakugou's words, he's had it all. What does he have that Kacchan is missing? He started comparing and balancing their lives.

- What are you jealous of, Kacchan? - he whispered. As much as the question itself was hurtful, he had to grasp it to become a better friend.

- What? I'm not... well... I don't know... you are just great, I guess...

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