29. Did We Have Any Good Times?

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- T-thank hic you... - Bakugou blushed, covering his mouth.
He looked at Kiri with calm, loving eyes he could muster only when looking at Kirishima. 15-years-old crush, 27-years-old pro hero... doesn't matter. Kiri was the only person Bakugou could look at with such devotion and vulnerability. 

- Feeling better? - Kirishima released the boy from a gentle hug.

He was mindful of not violating an intimate barrier to not give the teenager any hope or whatever it is the boy was thinking about, but seeing him so pitiful, so crushed, just broke Kiri's heart. 

- T-thank hic you, m-much better... I... I don't know w-why I came here. I've been around for... Two weeks, three maybe, don't know... I think I hic really needed to see you. - Bakugou sighed, eyes plastered on the floor. - I didn't mean to disturb your evening with your... uh... The guy... 

- My boyfriend. His name is Ryo. 

- Yes, sorry... I didn't mean that. And I didn't mean to stir drama. And I'm not here to ask you to come back to me... That is to the old myself... No, I won't ask you that so... Don't worry. 

Kirishima visibly relaxed. 

- Wait... Does he, the older Bakugou, even know you're here?!

- Nah... I left last night. Let's call him Katsuki to not get us confused. That's how we've been doing it these days. That is, if you're fine with Katsuki... - Bakugou raised his brow looking for signs of disapproval but the pro hero didn't react. - Anyways, I'm pretty sure he thinks I've dissolved already. I'm more than sure he's celebrating right now. You see, around three weeks ago he got hit by a quirk, duplicating me. I'm myself from the 1st year of U.A., about to start the summer camp. I spent the last days learning about everything that happened starting from there. 

How I got kidnapped by that League of Stinky Assholes, then we got together in the U.A., then I presented you to my parents and mum kicked me out... Katsuki didn't mention how your parents reacted to this so apologies if I'm leaving out something important. Then, as he couldn't stand me, he left me alone to fuck around. I thought I'd dissolve before his arrival, so I googled you guys out and discovered you were married, then divorced. Learnt about dad hic  too... I'm sorry, Kiri, am I really disturbing? I can leave if...

- No, no, that's fine. You can stay until you get better. I can imagine how you feel, I know it's a lot to bear for one person, let alone a teenager. But you would never admit it, so stubborn... So proud... Always with your chin up, looking down at others. No surprise you would... hm, How to say this...

- Vent up? You mean... Take my anger out on you. That's what you're implying. 

Now it was Kirishima who was blushing. Shit. He shouldn't have raised such a sensitive topic with an immature teen just to torment him. It felt wrong. 

- Bakugou, please, forget I said it. 

- But you did. 

- I didn't mean to...

- Katsuki told me that part of the story too. That's why I came to apologise. I'm an asshole and I hate myself. I told him, looking him in the eye, that I would never hurt you because I love you, I've been in love with you since I remember, and I'm only 15... That's why, when he said I would, I would hurt you, that is, we both lost it. 

- Let me guess, did he vomit again? - Kirishima sounded worried. It's been years since Katsuki started suffering from stress-related stomach problems, IBS. Kiri and Kat's doctor were the only people to know.

- How did you... Oh, right. We used to be married. - the last sentence tasted like ashes. 

- Bakugou, look, I respect you, OK? And I appreciate the effort you, the 15-years-old, put into coming here. But I don't think it's healthy. Nothing of what you, that is Katsuki, does. He shields himself from the outside world, rejects all help, it's impossible to debate with him, his habits are honestly terrible, and now since he's got fired, we haven't heard from him at all. 

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