20. Teach Me How To Suffer, Sensei

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This day couldn't start worse. 

The sky was cloudy and rainy. 

Katsuki suffered from the worst headache in his life, all shitty hangovers included. He spent all night reflecting on his shitty character, shitty anger issues, shitty familiar relationships and his readiness to just explode when things were going shitty.

Not that he knew how to name these things, he wasn't a psychology expert or other shit.
The problem is, he has never had a moment to take a breath and self-reflect. He had to keep carrying on, no matter what. Both in personal life, to prove everyone around he is damn best at everything, and in the professional one, where he had to prove himself he could become Number One Hero despite the Deku/OFA cheap trick. He spent lots of time in psychologists' cabinets when trying to become an adoptive parent but he was so focused on his scope, he didn't really dig deeper into his mental state. He memorised a couple of answers found on the Internet and kept repeating them like a music box. No surprise he didn't get to adopt. He would be a shitty dad anyway. 

As he was lying in bed looking at the ceiling, he took a kick or two from the teen, who was moving anxiously in his sleep, fighting some nightmare. At least Bakugou was still able to fall asleep, not knowing yet that the only thing worse from suffering from nightmares, would be suffering from insomnia a couple of years in the future. 

'Damn, I can't relax even when asleep... are the only moments I can relax when I'm high, drunk or riding a dick? How do people do it so... normally? How does Deku do it?' 


- What's for breakfast? - Bakugou asked, entering the kitchen. 

- Cig and coffee, what else?

- Ugh. How can you ruin yourself like that? 

- Here, I'll show you. - Kat passed a half-smoked cigarette to the teen, mindlessly. How big was his surprise when Bakugou actually took it and attempted to inhale, coughing his brains out. 

- Ugh, this is so - cough cough - fucking gross!!! 

- Yeah. Wanna try some coffee too?

- Did you put milk in it?

- Do I look like a pussy to you? Straight black devil.

Bakugou took a sip of the worst thing he has ever drunk in his young life. Spitting it instantly. 

- What the fuck man, stop spitting in my coffee!  

- This shit is even worse. Go die. 

- You go die. 

- No, you go. I gotta stay and fix all your shitty problems. 

- Yeah sure, you're gonna dissolve before getting enrolled in the U.A. Hahaha, can you imagine their faces when you arrive and say 'Hi, Bakugou Katsuki, I want to join the U.A.?' I'd actually like to see that. 

- Yeah, me too. I can imagine Aizawa's eyes rolling like he's possessed or something. He always does it, fucking caterpillar.

- Yeah, you might not find him there, though. 

- And why is that? - Bakugou slowed at his movements, with a bottle of milk in one hand and a pack of cereal in another. Although he's been around for a little over a week, he has heard nothing but tragic stories and started preparing mentally to hear another one. - Is he...

- Not dead. Not this one. At least... I think so.

Bakugou stared blankly at his older version, blinking and trying to fight a headache, not smaller than Kat's.

He had a terrible nightmare. 

He dreamt of being locked in a League of Villains basement, chained and tortured by some knife lady freak, waiting for someone to rescue him.

But no one came.

The knives were slicing through his skin, opening it and letting black blood drip on a dirty pavement. 'You're blood is black, you see, that's how we know you're a villain, just like us. That's why no one likes you. That's why they don't want you in their lives. Come with us, boy, we'll help you achieve the craziest dreams of yours... With us, you can do whatever you want... No rules, no laws... Because that's the life of a villain like you...'.

Bakugou was trying to free himself from heavy metal chains, to ignore venomous words but the truth was inevitable - his blood was black. His rescue squad didn't arrive. The freaky lady was right.
He is a villain. 

- What happened to Aizawa-Sensei? - he asked after a moment of hesitation. Only at this moment did he realise his insomniac caterpillar of a teacher wasn't half bad. He was strict but fair, cared about his students' development and sometimes cracked the best dry jokes ever. 

- I'm not sure. No one is. All I know is he disappeared from the U.A. around four years ago. An official notice released at the time was he went abroad on some secret mission or other bullshit. An unofficial gossip is he's closed in the psychiatric ward in Osaka and has never left since. 

- How do you know? 

- Word-of-mouth, I guess. Denki dates this guy who used to date a nurse from Osaka who worked with this other nurse who works in the loony bin. She told Eraserhead's unresponsive, staring at walls all day, drooling and shitting himself, and yelling from time to time. I prefer to believe that he paid someone to spread this shit around and is enjoying himself in the Caribbean sipping fancy drinks, you know? I wouldn't be too surprised if it was true.

- That sounds serious. Like his underground pro hero work finally got him. I mean, he has never seemed perfectly stable to me, if you ask me.

- I didn't ask you. 

After hearing these harsh words, Bakugou retreated to the bedroom. Last night, he pressed Kat to tell him the reason Kiri left him after a couple of years together. His part of the deal was to explain to the older one what fuelled his anger.
As if he could know it himself.
If he knew what angered him, he would keep avoiding this reason at all costs to live in peace, was Kat really so dumb to not get it?! 

Not having anything to do, apart from avoiding the old stinky fucker, Bakugou rolled himself in a blanket and started thinking.
To not get confused more than he already was, he did a mental list of important things to pay attention to:

1. Why is shitty Deku Number One Hero? Why can't Katsuki win with fucking Broccoli? What's wrong with this damn world?

2. Why did people tell him he is special if he is not? Why did adults lie in his face? Were they having fun, humiliating him like that?

3. What does his usual anger come from? - he needs to crack this one quickly if he wants to trade with Katsuki and hear about the divorce.

4. When exactly is he going to start losing hair?

Then, he went through the list as it followed.

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