12. Ray Of Sunshine And Other BS

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- Hey, man... please, can we talk? I promise I wont' say dirty stuff anymore. 

Sniff sniff.

Katsuki sat down on a bed corner, taking a moving blanket as an invitation to start his story. It wasn't going to be a pleasant one but at this point, young himself took him for a hooker who betrayed his pure love for Kirishima, so Kat wanted to clean up this mess.

- Look man, I know you were probably imagining that you'd be a great hero, a boyfriend to Kiri, hey, maybe you even imagined you'd be his husband! Did you, uh? I'm not really sure until which point you've arrived, trust me, life memories just kind of get blurry after a long time. 

- H-he's just my friend...sniff sniff... He was really cool at the sports festival... That's all, don't read too m-much into it. 

- But of course, the little innocent angel you are. - smirked Katsuki, getting kicked by a moving part of a blanket that turned out to be Bakugou's leg. This young one was a walking muscle already. Probably had more strength and stamina than the older one. Ouch. 

- So... What about that? Didn't you like confess or something, you fucking loser? Don't tell me you got scared, being a piece of shit you are! 

A brilliant idea came to Katsuki's mind. 

- And what do you think happened, uh? Tell me, what did you imagine at your age? Come on, Bakugou, just be honest. You can't hide things from me. I know your all little dirty secrets, remember? 

Bakugou shivered uncontrollably. He was just about age when he had his first little dirty secrets but still too embarrassed to admit them to himself. But the question was tempting and he decided to give it a try.

- So ... So you know like I kind of like being with Kiri, l-like when we do homework or train? And he's really cool, with his super quirk and stuff. And he smiles a lot. And he talks a lot which is annoying but not as annoying like when others talk, you know? And sometimes there's this thing that I look at him when we're changing after training and there is this thing in my stomach, you know? Like it kind of heats up but it's not getting warmer? So, anyways... I thought maybe it could stay like this also in the second, and third year of U.A., and maybe even later... Like we could maybe... I don't know... Like... 

Bakugou clearly missed words to describe what he felt at the very beginning of his romantic experience. He didn't give too much thought to it, it just came naturally and he was too busy with studying and training to analyse his feelings. 

- Like what? 

- Like... Maybe we could graduate and live together? I mean, it's fine if he doesn't want to, I get it. It's pretty odd to be living with another guy, to be honest. But maybe, maybe if he wanted to... I would be happy. Yes, I would be happy if we graduated and lived together, you know? 


- I know. 


It didn't take long for Katsuki to tear up at this point. He wanted to be strong for the teen, he wanted to explain himself, tell him he was not what the young one thought he was. But there was no point denying that. He was a monster and he knew it. 

Katsuki took some time to get back to reality. Bakugou's head popped up from the blankets, curious to see the old one sobbing. His first thought was that Kiri died in some tragic way and now he felt badly by touching a sensitive subject.

- D-did he... Did something h-happen to him? 

- I happened. - Katsuki sighted. 

In a split second, he stood up, throwing the nearest object he found (which happened to be a coffee mug) on the wall, kicking the air. Bakugou would be scared of that if he didn't know how many times he threw a similar tantrum at home. Normal thing. Nothing to fuss about. 

- I fucking happened! It was all my fault, I didn't want to, but it was my fault!

At this point, not only was Katsuki crying, his whole body was shaking. His unhealed wounds opened easily. All he wanted to tell the teen was that they tried. It didn't work. But he knew, Kat knew that he was the one who didn't work. And now he had to face the terrible monster he was in front of his innocent self who thought maybe they could graduate and live together???!!! And be happy???!!!

- So ... Did you confess? Did he reject you? 

A couple of minutes passed in silence, broken by an uncontrollable sob by one of K.B.

- You would be surprised, Bakugou, but actually, Kirishima kind of confessed to us, whether he planned it or not. - Katsuki said, smiling at a memory that still warmed his heart. 

- No fucking way! - Bakugou would be over the moon if not for the fact that Kiri, despite all, wasn't anywhere around.

- Yes, he did. In the second year, I think. Or maybe the third one? I'm not sure anymore but he did, like hell. When he finally talked after all, he stuttered and got as flustered as you are right now, haha! Oh, sweet times... Oh my goodness, I remember, it was after some kind of training, we were in the locker rooms alone and I caught him staring, hahaha, that shit was hilarious! He went totally hard on me in a public place, I couldn't take it, took him straight to the nearest restroom, hahaha, what crazy times those were... Sorry if it doesn't sound as romantic as you probably wanted but hey, life's a bitch, innit? After all, he talked all that shit how he had liked me since the beginning of the U.A. but I was too unapproachable and other shit. Well, we started dating and eventually...

- Wait, are you saying I lost my virginity to Kiri... In the U.A. restroom??!! - If Bakugou could get redder, he definitely would have. He knew the older one was more experienced in adult things but as he was telling a story from U.A., it hit home. His U.A. uniform laying neatly on a chair reminded him of that. And Kiri had liked him during the first year already... Who knows, maybe Kiri thought of Bakugou in this certain way he did of his best friend. Bakugou's imagination went wild, his heart speeding up. It was just too much. 

- I'm sorry, do you want me to repeat it or do you actually want to know what happened? 

- No no, go on. And leave the details out of this, or you're gonna regret that, fucker. 

- Okay okay, I'll skip the best parts, your highness. 

- So ... We started dating Kiri. Oh my goodness, we started dating Kiri! - Bakugou took a deep breath, feeling all his body getting hotter, a smile appearing on his face. - So what happened next? 

- Well, he proposed and we got married. 

- ...

- ...

- ...

- And then I fucked everything up. 

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