32. Is Knowing The Truth Too Much To Ask?

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Kat didn't remember when he felt so light-hearted for the last time.

Probably at the playground with Bakugou, but before that?

He had been carrying remorse for years and nearly forgot what it looked like to feel guilt-free. He still felt like shit for being an abusive partner to Kirishima, of course, he still didn't forgive himself for so many mistakes in both personal and professional life.

But after All Might blessed him with his visit and helped Katsuki take the responsibility for his retirement off of Kat's shoulders, and after having a heart-to-heart with Number One Hero, the ex-pro hero felt like he could face the rest with a little more courage.

'Bakugou, you little, sneaky bastard...' - he thought half-smiling, a wave of warmth flooded his mind and heart, as he watched Netflix, eating a salad.

A real salad. With kale and olives. Without shit-ton of junk crap. Bakugou would be so proud!!!

There was only one thing that wouldn't let him sleep.

Did Bakugou visit Kirishima?

If so, should Kat call him?

What would Kiri think of him, if he asked such a silly question?

Probably would conclude that Kat has lost it.

But what if Bakugou did contact their loved one after all?

Should Katsuki risk it and check it out himself?

Their last conversation took place nearly two months ago and didn't end on a positive note.

'All Might came to me... if Bakugou had visited Ei, Ei would have told me already... he would have contacted me, right?'

It took an additional week of doubt and sleepless nights spent with a bottle of cheap alcohol, before Katsuki decided to solve this case once for all. Kat believed that Kiri would have called first in case Bakugou visited him but then, what if Kiri believed Bakugou had come back home and referred everything to his older version (assuming there was something to refer to)?

Then, another problem arose: should Kat call Kiri? Should he meet him near the Pro Hero Agency? Should he visit their old house... Kiri's house?

This problem took another three days of heavy contemplation.

At the end, Katsuki opted for a call. With some help.
Namely, vodka.

- Bakugou. - Kat heard on another part of the line.

Although he did prepare himself mentally to hear this dear, beloved voice, the one he craved so much!, it still caught him by surprise. After a few beeps, he was sure Ei wouldn't answer. Yet, he did pick up. And greeted his ex-husband in the coldest way possible.

- Ei, hey... I... uh...

'How the fuck should I even start?!!! 'I wanted to ask you if a young myself came to you and talked about feelings and how I used to beat you?!' Fucking bullshit!!!' 

- S-Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb...

- Tell me, Bakugou. Is this about the mortgage? I told you I don't need your support on this one anymore.

- Actually, I'm sorry, I couldn't pay right now... But it's not why I'm calling.

Bakugou gulped heavily, feeling tingling tears gathering in his eyes' corners. When did he become so weak, crying pussy? 

- Did you, by any chance... I know it's stupid, I swear I'm not drunk! - 'well, maybe a little...' - Did you, by any chance, see or hear from me? The young Bakugou, that is. I mean me, but 15 years-old, but like last month or so? Sorry, I'm not making any sense...

In another part of the city, in a small but cosy house, resting comfortably under a blanket and with his head on his partner's lap, Kiri held his breath.

How many emotions was he feeling right now!!!

Truth is, he did remember his encounter with the young Bakugou version, although rather vaguely. 

He remembered the trembling, crying mess of a teen who came to apologise for all the toxicity he brought into Kirishima's life. 

He saw his partner frowning. 'You should tell him' - his eyes were saying, wordlessly. 

Kiri frowned back with 'I don't want his mess in our life all over again!' painted on his face. 

- Bakugou, I... 

Should Kiri tell him? What will Katsuki do? Will he visit them, uninvited? Will he cry again? Will he beg Kirishima to come back? 

That's what Kiri feared the most. By speaking to Katsuki, by opening this gate, he would invite his ex-husband to his life all over again. After years of avoiding him as much as possible... 

At that point, as much as Kirishima respected - somehow - his ex-partner, he didn't want to have anything in common.
He treasured his new life, his abuse-free life, his calm life. He didn't mind crossing paths with Katsuki when the other one was still working in the Pro Hero Agency, especially since they were often invited to many hero-related venues. But when organising a karaoke night, he would not invite Katsuki along with the rest. It was only a matter of time for Kat to be left alone, with this nasty character of his. The character Kirishima did not miss at all. 

If Kiri confirmed that he did see Bakugou, more than that!, that he invited him inside his house and comforted the teenager, would Kat see it as an invitation to something more? As a spark of hope that Kiri still does feel something? 

What if Kirishima does feel something, something that he buried deeply inside, and swore to all gods he knew to never release it? 

And how he could forget Katsuki COMPLETELY, wipe him off of his life, his first love? THE first, THE purest, THE most passionate, THE only one? How could one forget such a person as Katsuki Bakugou?! 

Kirishima glimpsed at Ryo's calm face. 

His new boyfriend was two years younger but seemed calmer and more mature than Kirishima and Bakugou combined. He was stoic, reliable, prone to passion and emotion only with the violin in his beautiful hands. Ryo seemed to know that Kiri's feelings for his ex-husband were still buried inside but despite this, he didn't look for confrontation, for a fight. He waited patiently for this magical moment when Kirishima, Number Three Hero, would return his love fully and unconditionally. To love him with all he got - the way Ryo loved Kirishima since the first moment his eyes laid on the older, stronger man, and never stopped looking at him with this special feeling: with love ready to sacrifice itself for Kirishima decided to cross his path with his ex once again.

Kirishima bit his bottom lip and closed eyes. He knew he had to be manly. For his, and his new life partner's future. 

- Bakugou, I... - a couple of words. Final closure. Stamp on an envelope sent overseas with no return address. Why is it so damn difficult?!

- I... I don't know what you're talking about. 

Here. He said it. There it was. 

Looks like Bakugou didn't have balls to confront Kiri after all.

Or maybe he wanted to but dissolved before reaching their house? Did Bakugou even know where to find it?


It must be it.

Bakugou never reached Kirishima. 

Somehow, maybe a gut feeling, Katsuki was damn sure the teenager wanted to do it. At least as much as Kat wanted to hear Kiri's voice once again.

- Oh. I'm sorry for disturbing you. Please, don't give it too much of a thought... 

- Bakugou. - Kiri added firmly. - Can you, please, delete this number? 

A moment of silence. 

- You're not a pro hero anymore. It's not like we're gonna text about the villains. 

- ...

- ...

- Yes. S-sure. I w-will.

As soon as Kiri finished the call, Katsuki, with trembling hands and eyes filled with tears he didn't want to shed, deleted his ex-husband's number from his phone.

Along with 2348 photos and screenshots of Number Three Hero Red Riot. 

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