78. Tidak Semudah Yang Dibayangkan

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Like the sun that hangs above the skyI wanna see us fallin', you and I

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Like the sun that hangs above the sky
I wanna see us fallin', you and I

Like the ocean gives away the breeze
I wanna ride your wave and be your tide

What you are is what I wanna know
Your hand is asking mine for it to hold

This is all we're ever gonna need
The youngest hearts are never getting old

I don't wanna overthink about this
Can I take some time?
Make you reach what's on my mind

I don't wanna have to get around this
Can we just go through?
It's a better way that we can move

I'm not tryna fit in with everybody
Not tryna tick with the daily talk
I just wanna get lost

Tryna chase that feeling, replace bad feelings
With days wrapped up in the moments like this

Tryna chase that feeling, erase those ceilings
Inside I'm reeling for moments like this

With you, ooh-ooh-ooh
With you, ooh-ooh-ooh
With you, ooh-ooh-ooh
With you, ooh-ooh-ooh
Playlist : With You - SuperM
(Author nya lagi kecanduan lagi ini❤️🤭) 


Hujan deras di sertai kilatan petir berhasil menghiasi bumi sejak pukul 3 dini hari tadi.

Membuat Aarav yang masih bergelut di bawah selimut semakin betah saja.

Jarum jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 6 pagi, namun di karenakan hujan suasananya masih terlihat gelap.

Berbeda dengan Aarav yang masih sibuk berkelana di alam mimpinya, Kanaya justru sudah sibuk mengurus pekerjaan rumah.

Mulai dari menyapu, memasak sarapan, menyiapkan pakaian kerja Aarav dan tentunya mengurus si kembar.

Kanaya tersenyum lebar menatap masakan nya yang baru saja selesai ia buat. Sarapan sudah siap pun pakaian kerja Aarav sudah ia siapkan.

Sekarang tugasnya hanya mengurus si kembar.

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