Chapter 13

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Ryla's P.O.V
"Ry sweetie time for school!" Stormie hollered from the kitchen. Grumbling I rolled out of bed. I pulled on some skinny jeans and a pink shirt with a jean jacket. I pulled on hand-me-down punk converses. I walked downstairs to see Stomie standing infront of the stove. "Where is everyone else?" I asked sitting down at the table. "They're all sleeping..." She smiled, placing a plate of bacon and eggs. I smiled up at her and began eating the bacon and eggs. I looked at the clock to see 8:02am written across the front. I got up, placed my plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack. "Bye Stormie, see you after school." I smiled side hugging, and kissing her cheek. "Bye sweetie, have a good day!" Stormie smiled as I walked to the door. I hope the boys have a good day...
Riker's P.O.V
I woke up to the smell of bacon, mmm yum. I walked downstairs in my white shirt and boxers. Mom turned around looked me up, then down. She turned back to the stove chuckling. Shortly after all my brothers came into the room, all in the same except Rocky... He's just in his boxers. Rydel came down a few minutes after me and she was fully dressed, her hair was done, and he make up was also done. Pff show off. Mom placed a blare of bacon and eggs in front of each of us. "What do you guys wanna do tonight?" I asked looking between all my siblings. "Today's Friday right?" Ross asked. I nodded, "Well today I have to meet Calum, Laura and Raini at In'N'Out, and I was gonna ask Ry if she wanted to come see me film Austin and Ally." I nodded. "How are you getting there? Mom and dad are taking the car and I need the van for the new dresser I'm picking up for Ryla." I said. "Oh I'll just skateboard. No biggie." He smiled. "I'm going to the park to scope out cute girls..." Rocky smirked, looking around the table. "I'm gonna be taking Ryla her lunch, cause she left it in the fridge." Rydel spoke as she pulled the lunch out of the fridge and closed the door. "Savannah and I are going to play with the dogs and cats at the ASPCA." Ryland said placing a piece of bacon in his mouth. "Okay cool." I said walking up to my room. All my siblings, except Rydel followed to get dressed. Rocky and I got to our room and I dressed in a black and white striped shirt, red jacket, and black jeans. I pulled my black converse on and went to my sunglasses shelf. What the- where are all my sunglasses? The only ones here are the crappy black pair I won at the carnival last year. I checked around my side of the room, then looked briefly on Rocky's side. "Rock did you take my sunglasses?" I asked glaring at him. "No why would I need your glasses?" He asked pulling his shirt over his head. Huffing, I grabbed the black pair and placed them on my head. I walked out of the room, and down to the living room, I sat beside Rydel with a frustrated look on my face.
Rocky's P.O.V
Why on earth would I need Riker's sunglasses? I already have my sexy good looks to attract the girls, and my lime green sneakers. Chicks dig em'. I pulled my blanket up and set it on my bed so I could fish out my sneakers. I got on my hands and knees, dragging my arm back and forth under my bed. Huh that's strange they aren't under there... I brought my head down to look under and there was nothing there except a football, a couple pairs of boxers and notebook. Maybe they're at the door. I jogged down the stairs and to the front door, where we keep all our shoes and coats. I roughly looked through everyone's shoes, throwing them rapidly after I examined them from the lime green glow my sneakers have, I sadly walked into the living room, sitting beside an angry Riker, a frown found it's way on my face.
Ross's P.O.V
I got dressed and went to Ry and I's closet. I started shuffling through all the clothes. I grabbed the flash light from my nightstand and looked at in the deepest part of the closet. Where is that skateboard? My brand new skateboard. I've only ridden it once! I checked under my bed and Ryland's bed. Grr. I bed Rocky or Riker stole it. I walked into there room to see it pulled apart, not as much as Ryland and I's but a little pulled apart. After searching there room, I couldn't find it. One of them hid it! I know it. I walked down the stairs and into the living room to see Rocky looking sad and Riker looking mad. I took a seat beside Rocky and glared around the room, then fixing my vision on the TV.
Ryland's P.O.V
Ross just tore our room apart, I wonder what's eating him. I got dressed and turned to the bed post I keep my red SnapBack on. I turned and it wasn't on there. What? Where else could it be? I never take it off anywhere but here... Did it fall off the post? I looked around my bed, then I looked under my bed. I glanced under Ross' bed and it was nowhere to be seen. I saw my black SnapBack on my dresser. Ugh, I hate wearing that hat, it squeezes my heat to tight, and the strap doesn't adjust, like the red one. I walked down to the living room, adjusting my hat on my head every 30 seconds. I sat beside all my siblings who all looked like they had problems of there own.
Rydel's P.O.V
It's 11:20am and I'm watching TV with all of my siblings. they all looked like they had problems, but knowing them it's stupid little problems. "What is wrong with you guys?" I asked turning the TV off, gaining there attention. "someone, stole all my sunglasses except these." Riker stated frustrated, while glaring at all the other boys. "and someone, stole my lime green sneakers...." Rocky pouted Angrily looking around at all the other boys as well. "Well someone. Stole my brand new skateboard." Ross spoke bitterly, glaring viciously at all the other boys. "Um somebody. Stole my red SnapBack!" Ryland frowned. "You stole my skateboard!" "You Stole my SnapBack!" "You stole my sunglasses!" "You stole my lime green sneakers!" All the boys yelled at the same time, pointing to a different brother. They all kept arguing and arguing and arguing. I stood in front of all the teenagers/adults who were acting like 5 years olds and spoke, "Alright enough! We'll go over this later! Rocky, wear Riker's blue pair, Riker you can borrow a pair of Ross' colourful sunglasses, Ryland borrow Rocky's SnapBack and Ross, borrow Ryland's skateboard for today. Now it's almost noon, and Ross you lunch date starts in 15 minutes, Ryland Savannah will be here in 10 minutes, Riker the dresser is ready to be picked up in 20 minutes, Rocky I know for a fact cheerleading practice is in a half an hour at the park, and I have to bring Ryla her lunch." I sighed sorting out all the problems for now. "What will you boys do without me?" I mumbled to myself. I got in Chubbs and started towards Ryla's school to drop off her lunch.

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