Chapter 23

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Ryla's P.O.V

So today it is March 19th. Pretty much a normal day... besides it being my birthday. I really hope the Lynch's don't know, because I don't want a big fuss made over me. I just want to be a normal day, going to school, coming home, hanging with friends, maybe swimming, eating dinner then going to bed. Is that too much to ask for?

"Ryla wake up!" Riker called from downstairs, I guess mom and dad went to an R5 meeting or something. After scrolling through my phone for a few minutes, I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I did my bathroom routine and walked back into my room. I looked over to my newest drawing on my desk, before continuing to the closet. I quickly changed, (outfit top/ side.) before walking downstairs.

"Morning Ry," Riker greeted as I sat at the table. He placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and I quickly ate.

"You ready for today?" Riker smiled. I felt the colour drain from my face and a confused expression spread across my face.

"R-ready for what?" I gulped, thinking he knew it was my birthday.

"Your math test..." he raised an eye brow at me, before taking his plate and sitting across from me.

"Oh," actually.... I forgot about that... "Yep totally ready." I lied.

"What was that reaction abo-"

"See ya Riker I'm gonna leave early to practice math with Quinn!" I interrupted, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and running out the door, pulling it closed behind me.

After my lonely walk to school, since I left early. I text Quinn along the way telling her to not go to my house and that I left early this morning. Then I texted Webber, not getting a response. Meh he's probably busy. Upon arriving at school, I walked to my locker and gathered the items I would need for the day. After gathering everything, I walked off towards the library. I would've gone to the cafeteria, but it's so busy in the morning. Everyone meets there to work on home work, talk with friends and the new 'breakfast program' has drawn in a huge crowd. I placed my stuff on a table, in the nearly empty library and started browsing the book isles. I wondered upon the 'New Releases' section, my eyes targeting some paper back ones. I was drawn to Paper Towns by John Green. After scanning over the back and wanting to read on to what happens next, I brought it to the counter. The librarian scanned the bar code. Well this book is mine for the next two weeks. Perfect I can spend my birthday evening reading a John Green book. I slid the book into my backpack and started towards my first period class. After the semester change, I have math first period. I only have 5th with Webber and 3rd and 4th with Quinn. Lucky me though, I have 2nd, 3rd, and 5th with Kyle. He's laid off alittle, I guess cause he knows if he wants me to do his homework again he's gonna have to get through Webber.

"Well your here early." I turned my head to see a smiling Webber looking at me. I stood up and hugged him.

"Hi." I mumbled into his shoulder, before releasing him.

"Why are you here so early?" He questioned, sitting down outside my math class, and pulling me down beside him.

"Meh... I uh needed a head start on uh my math." I gulped.

"Really Ry? Why aren't you telling me the truth. You can trust me." Webber looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Well I uh didn't get the math homework and I was too awkward to ask someone." I lied, praying he'd believe me.

"Hey babe, I can help." Webber beamed.

"Web your math grade is 20% lower than mine." I pointed out with a little giggle. My math grade was a strong 91%, Webber's was an okay-ish 79%.

"Well if my girl needs help with math, I'll learn whatever she needs." He beamed, telling me to get the math stuff out. After a while of Webber staring at the math equation c2=b2-a2, Quinn came.

"Hey girl, why'd you leave so early this morning?" She asked taking a seat on the other side of me.

"Meh I needed some help with my homework." She nodded.

"Why is he helping? I isn't his grade lower than your's?" She questioned glancing at Webber, who was far to distracted by the equation to notice her presence.

"Oh I got it! I kno- Oh hey Quinn, when'd you get here?" Webber questioned with a confused expression.

"Jeez Prince Charming. I've been here for like 20 minutes..." she lied, giving Webber a 'really face'.

"...oh..." Web responded, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"She's just playing Web!" I laughed. "She's only been here for like 5 minutes." Quinn and I both laughed, Webber shook his head with a small smile.

"We should probably get ready for cla-" Quinn was inturupted by the Bell for class ringing.

"See you guys at lunch." Webber and I said at the same time. Quinn rolled her eyes, as Webber and I hugged.

Riker's P.O.V

Ryla was acting alittle weird this morning... almost as if something was bothering her. I hope everything is good at school. And so help me if Webber did anything to upset her... After sitting at the table for a while, I decided to go down to the band room with everyone else. Ratliff was supposed to be coming in about 10 minutes, so it left us just enough time to set everything up. Halfway though set up the phone starting ringing.

"I got it guys." I jogged up the stairs, missing a couple each stride.

"Hello, Riker here." I huffed into the phone.

"Hi, is this Mr. or Mrs. Lynch?"

"This is their son." I informed them.

"Oh, well this is the orphanage, and we have a very special birthday message for Ms Ryla Lynch." ...birthday message...?

"Really? You could call back on her birthday... I'm sure it's not for a few days. She'd really like that." I informed them, Ryla would've told us.

"We just checked our files, today Ryla turns 13." That can't be true.

"...should we call back at a better time?" They asked after a short pause

"That would be great, Ryla's at school right now." I said, shaking my head, why didn't she tell us.

"Alright, we'll call again later. Have a pleasant afternoon." And with that they disconnected.

"Riker what's taking so long?"

"Oh just that it's Ryla's birthday TODAY!"

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