The Theatre

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The last four months have flown by for me, which is strange. I stay with each Master for a year or less so time usually drags by. The summer arriving took me by surprise this time. Then again, this is the first home I've been in where I'm not on guard all the time. It's hard to adjust.

Because of that, I choose to spend the day with Jake. The fact that he is basically letting me go, I owe him that much. 

The mall is packed today. As always, the people are fun to watch while we walk. Today is no different. A little Pure girl is playing with a Demi girl who looks to be hers. The little squirrel-girl child is letting the other chase her bushy tail. The Pure mom is gossiping while the Demi-Human mom is tending to the children. I feel a smile touch my lips at the sight.

Jake is leading me to the Neko's Fashion Tower, as usual. He brings me here quite often and I love it. Each time I get a new outfit or two. All the clothes are so pretty and trying them on is fun.

Jake says he brings me here because he wants me to have all the clothes I could want. I think it's because he wants to see Isabelle. They always talk and flirt and I know he has her number. I also know she does not have his. Why he never calls her, I don't know.

I've grown comfortable. Too comfortable it feels like. I find myself less and less weary of Jake. That's dangerous and I need to keep my instincts sharp in case my next Master isn't as nice as he is.

The beautiful, blonde Pure is behind the register again when we walk up. She has her hair up in a new way and looks a little nervous.

"Jake, Mila. It's so good to see you." She says with a smile.

I smile back politely and look away, as I should. I force myself to go over the lessons they teach us at the Meadow. Seen but not heard. Acknowledge but do not engage. Wait for Jake's direction. Doing the familiar actions puts me in the correct mindset.

"It's good to see you, too, Isabelle." Jake's voice is warm when he greets her.

Isabelle comes around the counter and hugs him before scratching my head gently. Her touch doesn't feel as good as Jakes, but I let her do it anyway. She seems to enjoy it a lot. She's a nice lady, for a Pure, so I don't mind.

I wish they would just get together already and Jake could go out with her. He needs stress relief. The man works harder than most Demies I know and he won't let me do it for him. It also makes planning escape hard when he's home.

Normally, Jake lets me lead him around the store and carries the outfits I want to try on. Today, he shoos me and tells me to stay in sight before turning toward Isabelle and continuing to talk with her.

I hate that he is so nice to me. His trust is misplaced. I touch the empty collar around my neck. It hurts sometimes how safe he makes me feel. The way his smile melts into my soul.

Our routine is very nice. I wake up to great food and a pretty easy job. Jake buys me all sorts of stuff, not just clothes, and let's me watch or read anything I want. I do my very best to care for his home every day. He makes it so easy, always cleaning up after himself. Sometimes it makes me reconsider leaving. Sometimes.

If I am forced to pick my favorite part of living with Jake, it has be that moment he returns home after a long day. The look he gives me tells me he has waited all day for this one moment. It makes me feel special. It's hard to deal with and I try to not see it but I love it all the same. Another dangerous thing.

I also feel a bit of regret that he won't let me pleasure him anymore. I know it isn't my fault and his change of orders to not include the act has been nice. It's just...on some level, I feel I should do that for him after all the things he does for me.

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