Neko Hunt

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The movie ends and I stand, quickly realizing Mila isn't back yet. I'm not too worried, it's been less than half an hour since she got up. I exit the showroom and stand by the bathroom, waiting for her. A long time passes before I start to get anxious.

When a woman I watch go into the restroom comes out again, I ask her if she's seen a Neko in there. She shakes her head, saying the restroom is empty. My heart drops into my stomach.

That's when Mila's behavior all day clicks into place, like a puzzle you can't see the full picture of until it's complete. She had this planned all along. Part of me dreads, and hopes, she has been taken instead. Then at least she isn't hurting me by choice. I know better. She won't allow herself to be taken so easily. No. If she is gone, it is by her own design.

I have the woman stand watch as I check the bathroom myself, just to be sure. As I expect, the bathroom is empty. When I emerge, I sigh and begin checking everywhere I can think of. I fight panic and worry as I search. How can she just run away like this now? Why not before? She hasn't even made an attempt in such a long time. I know how good of an actress she has had to be in her life and, yet, I still underestimated her significantly.

I check the theater room again before searching each store one at a time. Nothing. No one's seen her either.

When I arrive at the security station by the food court, I hesitate. If I file a report, we will both get in trouble. I don't want to expose her to that risk. I have learned a lot about how people treat their Demies and filing a report could lead to her being taken from me. Then she will be placed for sale again. I almost walk away without doing so but in the end I file the report.

What makes up my mind is I am more concerned that she stays alive over her returning to me at the moment. As a female Neko, running wild in the streets will make her a likely target of attack or being kidnapped. I feel I have no choice as not filing the report is worse than doing so.

I walk away feeling crumby about it, and the security guards don't make me feel any better. "Why didn't you have her on a leash?" and "You just let her go then?" ring in my ears as I start to look for her once more. If I come back later, they will let me review the security footage. In the meantime, I plan on going to more stores and searching. I doubt it will turn up anything, but it's better than sitting here feeling anxious.

I'm standing a few shops down from the Neko's Fashion Tower where Isabelle works when a security guard gets my attention and leads me to a back room. Based on my report, they pull up the videos that show Mila making her escape. I watch, my heart cracking, as she boldly walks out of the theater, pulls up her hood, tucks her tail into cover, and walks out of the mall heading south. They make me copies of the footage. They also inform me the authorities have been called and the Department of Demi-Human Affairs will be in contact with me shortly.

I wander, lost in my own thoughts, thinking about the last four months. I can't come to grips with how betrayed I feel. Do I even have the right to feel that way? She is considered my slave. If someone tried to make me their slave, how would I react? Would I try to run too?

A light hand taps my shoulder. I look into sympathetic eyes and almost break. She speaks.

"Did she run?" Isabelle asks.

I look away, nodding gently. I don't see her move in for the hug she gives me.

"I'm so sorry, Jake. I should have told you I recognized the signs when you came in earlier." She sounds sad and reassuring at the same time.

" knew she was going to run today?" I ask, accusation in my tone as I hold her away from me. I can feel my expression has turned cold.

To my surprise, Isabelle doesn't flinch nor look away. She nods carefully before responding.

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