Never Again

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I step out of Jake's car. The street sign reads Twenty-Fifth Avenue. My nervousness has had me on edge all day and now I'm unable to stop shaking.

I remember when Jake was purchasing me, someone had paid for me to be a lower priority but not to keep me from being sold. Is this 'him'? I've thought about it all night. What kind of interest could some random man have in me? I'm only a Neko.

Jake's hand slips into mine and squeezes reassuringly as we walk to the door of the apartment building. I feel the flopping of my stomach settle slightly with the contact and I'm able to keep my tail from flicking in irritation.

As much as I feel we need to follow the directions Jake received, that doesn't mean I want to be here. I just don't want Jake to suffer because of me and if coming here prevents that, then I am willing.

The lobby is lavishly decorated and a single attendant stands at the desk. He's an older man in a red suit I've seen on hotel staff. He looks up as we approach the desk.

"How may I help you, fine folks, today?"

Jake puts on his 'meeting strangers' face and responds. "We were...summoned here?"

Before Jake can explain further, the man puts on a small pair of glasses and looks at a notebook on his desk.

"Mr. Jacob Stone?" The man asks, peering at Jake over his readers.

"That's me, yes."

The attendant then looks at me. His expression lights up fractionally.

"Then you must be Mila?"

Jake gives me a nod. My body tenses up but I speak. I play the dutiful Demi-Human and look at the desk, not at the man.

"Yes, sir. I am Mila."

"Very good. Very good. Mr. Vaughn has been waiting for you two. He will be relieved you showed up so quickly after receiving his invitation." The attendant smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes. "Please enter the elevator and push the eight-button." He gestures to the metal doors on the left.

We follow his instructions in silence. It surprises me and I wait for the elevator to close before asking Jake.

"You normally say thank you to everyone, even rude people. Are you okay, Master?"

Jake looks at me and gives me the first smile I've seen on his face since the night before.

"I'm fine, Mila. No need to worry. I just don't feel like people who command our presence in such a way deserve our thanks." He snakes his hand into mine once more and we fall silent again as he presses the large eight on the panel impatiently.

The elevator is as silent as we are. I wouldn't even notice that we are going up if it wasn't for the numbers changing at the top of the doors. When the number increases from seven to eight, the doors slide open.

I expect to see a hallway with doors on the left and right, like Jake's building. Instead, the doors reveal a large, spacious room. The floors are marble and the furnishings are more elaborate than those in the lobby. At the opposite end of the room is a large desk. There's a desk chair behind it that slowly turns as we approach.

In the chair is an older gentleman. I guess he's around forty or fifty with white streaks at his temples cutting through his dark hair. His suit has to be expensive with golden cufflinks glinting as he leans forward.

Jake doesn't say anything. He crosses his arms on his chest and stares at the man.

I feel an intense fear flow over me. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I know him and for some reason, it scares me. I can't speak or move.

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