Finally With You

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I'd been running for quite some time and whilst I was feeling the weight of exhaustion, the gnawing hunger and the aches of travelling non-stop for the last week, I pushed through knowing that I damn well needed to reach St Mary's Hospital before Jordan and Jase did.

The day before Jordan decided to impulsively take Adara away, Rex had warned me and helped me prepare for after when they left. He did this by strategically planting a bug on Jordan's phone which allowed me to hear everything he and everyone around him were saying through a diminutive ear piece.
Rex was a good lad, he didn't want to hurt Adara but just like with all of us, Jordan had leverage over him too. He wanted to help me and so to do that he'd given me a key to the manacles holding my wrists above my head and left me a small bundle of food in the kitchen area.

I'd listened to everything that had been going on and the fact Adara had one-upped Jordan by breaking free made my heart and soul beam with pride. She was so incredible and just kept fighting on, no matter what adversity was thrown at her. It was one of the many things I adored about her.
Jordan had always cursed, it was an expected trait of his but that night when my girl got away, that moment he realised that my girl had reclaimed her freedom, that exact second when he realised he had lost her, he cursed to the high heavens and then some. He was enraged and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure Adara did too.

I was roughly sixty miles from where Adara was and I knew from what Jordan had told Jase, that he wasn't far from The Nunnery which was perhaps 120 miles by car from the hospital. He was expecting to find me there, weary and bound. He was in for a rude awakening. I had an advantage and I was going to use it as best I could.

I couldn't imagine how terrified Adara must have been. With her intelligence she knew that Jordan would know of her whereabouts within a matter of hours, I assumed that's why she had allowed the break in her shoulder to reach such an advanced stage of infection. I would have done the same thing.
God, how I wanted to hold her. The last time I saw her, she couldn't see me or speak and it broke my heart but there was no way I would subject her to Jordan raping her again. She was so small compared to me, yet she had more stamina and resilience than some of the marines I'd fought beside.

I made a promise to myself that once I had gotten to that hospital, I would take Adara home to her family and I would do everything in my power to keep them all safe. Unbeknown to Jordan, I had some contacts of my own, ones with military training that would be willing to fight back vigorously if Jordan made a move.

All I could think about was her, all I wanted was to keep her safe, all I wanted was to love her. The first time I saw Adara, I knew I wanted to be with her. I didn't want to be with her the way Jordan did, I wanted to love and protect and cherish her. Not abuse, control and beat her. My She deserves the world and I intended to give it to her.


My body hit the point of exhaustion where it couldn't go any further and so I slumped myself down against the trunk of an oak tree, one that was a good distance from the roads. Christ I hadn't felt this knackered since I left the army!

I had been rationing the food Rex had left and had not yet eaten for the day, so I pulled out an apple and ate away the contents until I reached the core. Seeing the seeds reminded me of when Adara and I had shared an apple back at the cabin. She had half and so had I. I couldn't suppress my smirk when I thought about when she had said 'If you eat the seeds an apple tree grows inside your belly'. Her adorable pout came out when I told her that's not how it works. She was so beautiful, with her big blue eyes and her blonde curls cascading down her back, I was blessed to be the man she loved.

                        Two Days Later

The hospital was in view and fuck I'd never been more relieved. I was burnt out. I'd ran out of water yesterday and I'd not eaten since the day before that. I was running on fumes.
However, I was so close to Adara that I didn't stop. I'm almost there baby girl, I promise I'll keep you safe.

By how abnormally barren the reception area was, I assumed it was the early hours of the morning and every one other than the doctors and nurses had gone for the night. I asked one of the porters where the Intensive Care Unit was and followed the directions he gave me. I kept my hood up to avoid the CCTV and hid myself from the view of the sporadic few doctors I did see.


After reaching the sixth floor, there she was. My beautiful Addie, sound asleep. She looked thinner than when I'd last seen her and her complexion was worryingly pale. She had so many tubes coming from her body. My poor baby.
I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, not expecting to be shoved against the wall with a very hairy arm across my neck. I retaliate quickly, pinning the unknown figure to the floor with his arm twisted behind his back.
'Who the fuck are you?' I spit, adding more pressure to the intruders arm.
By the negligent haircut and excessive facial hair, I knew it wasn't Jordan. The body was slimmer and more sluggish too.
'Get the fuck off me,' The guy spat, bucking his hips, almost projecting me from his waist. I maintain
I was about to snap the collarbone but came to an immediate stop when I hear Adara's sweet voice asking for me. This prick must have woken her up!
'Phoenix?' She croaked, her eyes wide and filling with tears. I dropped the guy with a severe lack of tenderness and rushed to Adara's side.
I envelope her into the tightest possible embrace that she could withstand and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
'I..I was so worried about you,' she sobs, her tiny frame shaking against me. God, how I had missed her.
'I'm here baby, I'm here' I whisper, holding her, gripping onto her for dear life. I'd never leave her again, I'd never let Jordan lay another hand on her and I'd love her forever.

'We have to get out of here baby,' I whisper, as she nestled further into my chest. I'd climbed onto the bed and settled down beside her whilst, the guy whose arm I almost snapped, the man I now knew as Archer, sat in the corner watching me dubiously.
'Jordan is coming for you, Archer and I need to get you somewhere safe'.

Yayyy so Phoenix is back with Adara!
Word Count - 1246

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