Looking for the boy

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Shredder stands in front of a window as it rains and the foot ninjas continue looking for the boy.

They still have no idea how Michelangelo got out or where he is at.

He hears the door opening and close but doesn't turn his back since he knows who it is.

"Master Shredder"

"What is your report, Bradford?" Shredder asks.

"The foot had searched the woods but were unable to find him. They are on their way to a nearby town" Bradford replies.

"You better hope that boy is found, for your sake," Shredder says.

"Yes, Master Shredder" Bradford replied.

Thunder and lightning can be seen and heard as the foot walk to the nearby town.

In Usagi's house, the man meditated through the sound of thunder and rain hitting the window.

He let Michelangelo sleep in the guest bedroom and the boy looks like he hasn't slept in a while.

Another thunder can be heard, along with someone crying

Before Usagi could investigate, the door open and something or someone grabbed him tight. The man looks down to see Michelangelo hugging him with tears rolling down his face.

"What's wrong, Michelangelo?" He asks.

"I'm scared, please make it stop" The child answered, whimpering.

As Usagi was about to ask, thunder was heard again and Michelangelo held onto the man even tighter.

Usagi held Michelangelo to calm him down from the Thunder.

The two continue holding one another until the child passed out.

Unfortunately, the soldiers are about to get to them soon.

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