April's training

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April looks around to see that she is in the grass with a river nearby.

"Hello?" She asks around.

"How weak and stupid are you"

April turns to the voice and sees some figure.

"You can't do a simple kata like your brothers and here you are, trying to be tough. Pathetic" The voice says.

"You think doing this means you are doing your own thing? You will always be stuck in the shadows of your brothers. The leader and the genius" Another voice says.

April tries to ignore the figures and gets into a fighting stance.

"Try us, little girl," The voice says.

April attacks the figures who dodge her attacks.

"Even Donatello could do this better," The voice says.

April stops and tries to think of something.

She ignores the voices who are trying to keep saying stuff to her about her not being special and will always be in her brother's shadows.

"My name is April Hamato. I am my person" She says in her mind.

"Give up," The figure tells her.

April opens her eyes and a wave hits the figures, making one disappear and another one to the ground.

Her eyes glow.

"Nothing you say will make me give up on myself and my family," She says as another wave come and hits the last figure.

April's eyes stop glowing and the voice comes

Training complete

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