Raphael's training

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Raph slowly wakes up to see himself in some cave with water.

"Hello?" He asks around.

"Nobody can hear you, hothead," A voice says.

Raph looks around to see nobody until he got attacked from the back.

He looks up to see a figure.

"Get up. Or are you scared?" The figure taunted him.

Raph growls and gets up.

"You think you can take me on? You are weak and you will never be strong enough" The figure adds.

Raph gets more furious and attacks the figure.

"Slow. You can do better than that" The figure says.

Raph keeps trying to attack the figure while getting more furious.

Until the figure takes him down.

"Pathetic. You will never be anything except an angry beast" The figure says.

Raph was about to fight but remembers a saying.

Let the insults wash over you, like a river over a stone.

Raph calms down and gets up.

"Back for more?" The figure taunted.

Raph fights more calmly this time, throwing punches and kicks.

The figure is unable to fight back

Raph's hands turn to fire and throw one hot punch at the figure.

It disappears.

Raph's hands turn back to normal and hear a voice.

Training Complete

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