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The foot soldiers turn to see Yoshi,

"Step away from them, Now!"

The ninjas attack Yoshi, who fought back with moves that shock Mikey but not Usagi.

Some of the foot run towards Mikey but Usagi fought them to have the ninjas away from the child.

One of the foot stop and give the others a signal, making all of the foot soldiers disappear.

Usagi still stands in front of Michelangelo.

"Thank you for your help," He said.

"You are welcome" Yoshi responds.

The two adults and child then hear,


Michelangelo looks up to see Miwa and Raphael.

"Miwa! Raphie!" He yells and runs towards them.

The siblings hug one another with tears rolling down their faces.

Yoshi looks at Usagi,

"Thank you for taking care of Michelangelo," He said and Usagi nodded,

"You are welcome. He is a good child"

The Henderson Siblings hold one another, not knowing that they are being watched.

Hamatos and Henderson will be destroyed.

Four ninjas and two kunoichisWhere stories live. Discover now