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The children stand in the woods with Bishop in front of them while Honeycut stands on the side.

Bishop has been trying to get the children to do some training requirements all together but because of everyone in their levels, it has been taking a long time for everyone to be in sync.

Unfortunately, Bishop won't stop.

"Again, you will not stop until you get this right," He says.

"Look, bishop. We get that you are trying to help but we are all at different levels. April and Donnie are on the same level as one another, Just like me and Raph. Miwa is higher and Mikey is still catching up. We all can't do this one" Leo explains.

"That does not matter now. You all need to be at this level if you want to defeat the shredder" Bishop tells Leo.

"And how is this going to help us?! Doing some moves won't help us get the adults back!. We have to go to shredder's place and kick his butt" Raph yells out.

"That plan is irrotational. You are not ready. You are all just children. That is final" Bishop answers, getting a little impatient.

Raph was about to attack Bishop but Miwa and Leo pulls him back.

"Bishop, how about a little break? They are children after all and they need a small break" Honeycut cuts in.

Bishop thinks about it and says,

"Very well. 5 minutes and we'll get back to training"

Then he walks away.

As Bishop left, the kids plan what to do.


Miwa is unable to sleep and turns to see if the others are asleep but is surprised to see that Leo, Raph, and Donnie are gone.

Before she could get out of bed to look, she sees April getting out of bed and walking out.

Miwa does the same but hears a voice.


The black hair girl turns to see Mikey sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on? Where are the others?" The child asks.

"Not sure. Come on, let's go check" Miwa responds, getting out of bed and Mikey does the same.

The two walk out of the room and see the elevator that took them down closing and going up.

Miwa waits for a little bit and presses the button, the elevator opens and the brother and sister go inside.

The elevator takes them up into the small house and the wall open.

The two walk out of the elevator and go to the door.

Once opening the door, they could see April going to a nearby light and they follow.

They stop once they see the boys around a fire, sitting and seeming to be thinking.

April sat down next to Donnie and Miwa decide to step closer.

"What's going on?" She ask once she got close with Mikey.

The boys and April quickly lookup.

"We couldn't sleep, so we just decided to be out here" Donnie responds.

"We could have told you but we didn't want to disturb you" Leo added.

Miwa takes a seat on the ground with Mikey next to her.

The kids were just silent until Mikey asks,

"What are we going to do?"

Nobody still knew, they just know that they can't do it by themselves.

Before anyone could speak up, the fire turn blue and there are figures in the fire.

Wait, is that.....

Four ninjas and two kunoichisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant