Tracking down

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After witnessing Shredder taking the youngest brother, the Hamato family and the Hernandez siblings decided that whatever it takes, they will get Mikey back.

They have been trying to figure out how to get Mikey back but nothing is good enough.

Then Leo got an idea.

"Donnie, you think you can hack Saki's helicopter computer," he asks his brother after their parents left to get food.

" I think I can" Donnie answer as he opened his laptop and started typing away.

While Donnie tries to hack, the two Hernandez siblings look out the window, thinking.

April notice and goes towards the siblings.

"You two okay?" She asks.

"After our parents died, we both promised that we would protect Mikey. Now we failed" Miwa answered.

"You guys didn't fail. He was just dragged into this mess" April said.

Before anyone said anything, they heard Donnie yelling yes.

Everyone gathers around as Donnie spoke.

"I manage to hack the computer from the helicopter. We now know where Mikey is" he said.

Everyone smile

They are getting Mikey back!

Four ninjas and two kunoichisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora