Words of Wisdom

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The kids stare in shock at the sight of two people in the blue fire.

The people are a man and woman.

"Mom? Dad?" Miwa asks in shock.

Raph couldn't believe it as well, he only has a few memories of his parents.

"Children, we know you are in shock but do not be afraid," The man says.

"Mom, Dad, how are you here?" Raph questions.

"We are spirits, Raphael. You all need to find your spiritual strength" the mother responded.

Before the kids could ask about that the man started speaking again.

"Leonardo, Donatello, April, your parents have wanted you to learn of this, which is how you three received your ninja suits," he says.

The triplets remembered those ninja suits that Leo had found one morning before school.

"But you all will get them back. Every one of you will face your obstacles to get your spiritual strengths" Mr. Henderson adds.

"Miwa, you have been trying to bring stability, structure, and shelter for you and your brothers. Be one with Earth" Lucas, the father, says.

Miwa nods.

"Leonardo, as the oldest of your siblings, you must retain the qualities of being the oldest, in both body and spirit. Be swift like the wind, let nothing wear you down" Riley, the mother, tells him.

Leo understood what she is saying.

"Raphael, you have so much anger in you. Focus that anger in the form of attack, like fire" Lucas says.

"Donatello, you rely too much on your mind and not enough on your body. Be strong like a mountain" Riley affirm.

Donnie tries to understand what Ms. Henderson is saying.

"April. You protect those close to you, a kind soul. You must be that when you control your spirit of water" Lucas says.

April nods at what he is saying.

"Michelangelo, we know you are only eight years old but you are too easily distracted but have so much potential. Learn to stay strong and calm like a forest" Riley tells her youngest son.

Michelangelo does not understand what his dead mother is saying.

"You all will start on this training. Good luck, everyone" Lucas says.

Before anyone could ask, the wind started blowing with leafs around and going faster and faster.

The last thing Miwa saw before seeing black was the council and Honeycutt

Good luck.

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