Mikey! No!

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The whole Hamato and Henderson siblings have been in Japan for two days and they still couldn't be able to have any leads on finding Mikey.

"Where could he be?!" Raph yelled as he paced.

"Raph, calm down," Leo said as he tried to calm Raph down.

Raph was just about to yell but Miwa stops him.

"That's enough, Raphael," Miwa said.

The second the adults entered the room that the kids are staying,

(They are staying at a hotel, where the doors connect to two rooms)

Something was thrown into the room.

Everyone looked up to the object and saw a rock and a note attached to it.

Yoshi picked up the note and his eyes widen.

"What does it say, Yoshi," Shen asked.

He read it out loud:
You all go outside and witness something that you will never see again,

Everyone quickly goes outside and sees a helicopter flying and saw Shredder holding unconscious Mikey.

"Mikey!" Raph and Miwa yelled.

The helicopter flies away and Raph tries to run after it but it was too far.

"Mikey! No!"

Four ninjas and two kunoichisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin