Leonardo's training

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Leo wakes up and sees that he is in a mountain.

"How did I get here?" He asks himself.

The next thing he knew, he was kicked down and sees a couple of dark figures.

"What the?" Leo questions while getting up.

"You are supposed to be the oldest" One of them says as it attacks Leo.

Leo fights back as another figure spoke,

"You are the oldest of Hamato Yoshi. How can you be so weak?"

Leo tries to ignore the figures as he fights back.

"You will fail and fall," The figure said altogether.

Leo gets pushed down and the figures keep yelling at him.

Do not let them get to you, Leonardo.

Fight it

Leo keeps saying that in his head and gets up.

He attacks the figures, ignoring the insults.

One by one, the figures disappear, until none of them are around.

Leo looks around and hears a voice.

Training complete

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