Time Pass

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It has been 5 months since the Hamato/Hernderson Family rescue Mikey and started training.

Everyone had to move into the woods in order to escape the foot soldiers that have been searching for them in town.

Usagi went along with them, despite Yoshi and Shen saying that he didn't have to but he still insisted.

The kids have been improving tremendously over the past few months.

Leo and Raph are on the same level as Miwa, despite the 4-year difference.

April and Donnie have improved as well, almost catching up to the others.

Mikey still has his obstacles but has improved in his own speed.

Usagi watches the older kids train as Yoshi helps Mikey with a few katas.

Yoshi continues helping the child until he sensed something.

He looks at Usagi, who sensed the same thing.

"Master Yoshi?" Mikey asks, wondering why the adult stop.

The others noticed and so did Shen

"Yoshi? Usagi?" She asks.

"We have to go now!" Yoshi yelled out.

Before anyone could speak or move, foot soldiers showed up, surrounding everyone.

The kids and adults got into position, some having Mikey behind them.

"Finally, here you are"

Everyone turns to see Bradford, a scar on his face.

There is nowhere to run....

Four ninjas and two kunoichisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang