After Running Away

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The kids ran and ran, not sure how long it was but they didn't care, they had to.

They continued running until they feel they are in the clear.

Mikey was put down, tears running down his face as the others catch their breath from running.

Raph and growl and looks at Leo,

"We shouldn't have left them! We have to go back!" He yelled at them

"We can't go back, Raph. They told us to run. Besides, what were we supposed to do?" Leo responded.

"We were supposed to fight with them! Not run like cowards!" Raph yelled.

"Enough! Raph, Leo is right. You know that we had no choice. Heck! We're not ready" Miwa said.

Raphael know that but he did not care, Yoshi and Shen were like parents to him and now they and Usagi are captured.

"What are we going to do?" April ask.

Nobody knew the answer to the question, they have no idea. After all, they're just kids.

"We just have to keep going," Miwa said.

"And do what? Just run away from everything?" Raph questions.

"Not precisely," A voice said.

Everyone turns to the voice where it comes from.

"Who's there?" Miwa called out asking

"Do not be afraid" The voice said.

A man has come into the light from the trees.

Hello, Children...

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