Donatello's training

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Donnie looks around to see that he is in a mountain.

"How? This is impossible" He questions.

"Thought you were supposed to be the smart one," A voice says.

Donnie looks around to see a figure.

"How are you supposed to help if you are too stupid to understand this?" The figure question in a taunt.

Donnie gets into a fighting stance.

The figure smirks evilly and attacks Donnie.

Donatello tries to fight back but it was like the figure was reading his mind.

The figure knocks him down.

"Pathetic. How are you an Hamato?" The figure questions him.

Donnie was about to give up until he stops and figures out how the figure is beating him.

His mind!

But how can he fight without him?

"Give up, Donatello. You can never beat me that easily" The figure says.

Donatello closes his eyes and focuses on not thinking.

The figure starts attacking Donnie.

Donnie opens his eyes and moves out of the way.

The figure continues trying to attack him but he moves out of the way and gives a few punches to the figure.

"How?!" The figure questions him.

"Fighting without thinking" Donnie answers and attacks the figure.

The figure is unable to fight back since it can't read his mind.

Donnie finally defeats the figure, who disappears after being defeated.

Then the voice appears.

Training complete

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