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There is a light and it never goes out

There is a light and it never goes out


The news had spread throughout the pack like wild fire. By the time, Lionel got us back to the pack house, a huge crowd had assembled in its front lawn. A suspenseful silence fell upon the crowd as soon as our car pulled into the clearing. Lionel, threw me a purposeful glance before getting out of the car. For some reason, I hesitated for a second before following suit. Something about the situation, was giving me a deep unsettling feeling. I shook my head. I had been in such situations before... I could do this. 

An uneasy murmur ran through the crowd as soo as I stepped out of the car. I ignored it. Meanwhile, I heard Lionel ask Michael, "The census?" 

"None of the wolves are missing... All mind links are intact. The healers haven't even a trace of wolfsbane or silver, in the... body. Whoever it was, it wasn't one of ours." Michael shook his head.

"Then who-" Lionel inquired, but in my mind I already knew. The terrible realization washed on me like a bucket of iced water. My brain went blank with trepidation. My feet buckled under me, forcing me to lean against the car for support.

"Are you okay?!" Lionel had to steady me by my waist. I could do nothing but mutter a prayer to Trivia in response. He gave me an extremely puzzled look.

"The census... it only included the wolves?" I demanded. My question seemed to convey exactly what I was thinking to him. His eyes widened with horror. 

"Markus..." He mouthed exactly what I was thinking. It seemed even Michael had caught up to our conversation by now.

"Send the trackers to his hut, now." Lionel gave a single order. Michael immediately obliged. Meanwhile, my heart beat elevated by every passing second. I could feel my limbs go cold, as all the blood rushed into my head. I didn't know why this was affecting me so much, but for some reason I couldn't bear to accept that someone of my kind had been hurt under my watch. He was barely a child.

 As if sensing my despair, Lionel wrapped me in his comforting embrace. "Don't worry. For all we know it wasn't him and someone from outside the pack." he whispered.

I just nodded in response.



Sapphire's face was pale with consternation. Her hands shook as she gripped my arm with it. I was pretty sure even her legs would give out if I wasn't supporting her. But I knew exactly what she felt at the moment. I felt it too.

That's when my mind link flared up.

The house is empty. No signs of struggle. No scent. it's like a ghost walked on here. Michael's voice rang out in my head.

He's no where on the pack lands? I cross questioned.

Not that we know of. We'll have to assume the worst. Unless, the DNA tests suggest otherwise. My heart sank, dissolving any hope I had left.

With that, I cut off the link. Sapphire looked at me questioningly. I realized her eyes were already brimming up, as if she already knew the answer I was going to give her.

"He's gone... there's no sign of any struggle." I told her. For a second she looked like she was going to have a panic attack, but then she composed herself. She looked me in the eyes as if trying to confirm my words one last time. I nodded my head slightly.

"I need to go there." she said with finality. I hesitated. How could I just let her walk into a potentially hostile crime scene? But then again, Sapphire probably had been in such situations before. She knew what she was doing. I didn't need to protect her as much as I felt like it.

"I'll drive you." I said.



The hut like living space was eerily quiet. But it certainly didn't reflect to the fact that its previous resident had been brutally murdered just a few hours ago. It was a half an hour drive from the pack house. Some of the wolves lingered around the boundary, obviously trying to catch a scent. But there was nothing. Lionel followed me wordlessly, as I approached the house. 

The door opened with a creepy rasp. Everything about the place was normal. A long sofa, ash in the fireplace, a small kitchen. Nothing seemed out of order. It was almost too clean, for a teenage guy at least. It was a usual living space, and that's what made it so unusual.

"I know... its almost like he walked out willingly." Lionel broke into my thoughts.

"And no disturbance was noted in this area recently?" I inquired.

"Absolutely none." It was Juliette who answered this time. When she joined the conversation, I don't know. "And he left his food on the stove. I don't think he'd let it be there and leave the house willingly."

"Unless someone made him leave..." And then it clicked into place. The next spell I executed wasn't really complicated. I knelt to the ground and traced the simple but  effective rune on the wooden floor of the hut. It glowed red for a moment before supplying me with the answer I was looking for. The others looked at me quizzically.

"A hegemony." I said it as it was.

"Hug- what?" Juliette spluttered.

"Can you elaborate?" Lionel asked.

"It's like someone was controlling his actions. He did not walk out on his own accord." I supplied, a little out breath. This case had many more layers than I thought, it wasn't just a murder... it was a failed attempt at something sinister. "Whoever, did this doesn't fear discovery. They left a clear sign of magic."

"But then why even drag him out of the house? Why not just here?" Juliette asked.

"Because the culprit needed him at that very spot. It was a ritual, and it went horribly wrong."

"This isn't fucking making any sense, you know that?" said Lionel.

"I know... and it won't until we uncover the ploy. Things are going to get so much worse." I said.



I was sick, okay? Just read that and don't kill me. I'm sorry.


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