85 8 4

Take the hate and put it in a blunt

Light it up smoke it up

Light it out ka-poof it's gone


I didn't sleep till late that night. The night very much reminded me of the day I had left the pack. The night was chilly and hostile. The only difference? I merged into the hostility then, but now? Not so much. I shivered under the blanket. I was sure it was snowing outside, despite the year shifting towards its warmer parts slowly. I heard footsteps pass in front of my door, fast and steady. Whispering voices accompanied it. I was curious as to what was happening, but I was too cold to come out of my layers of blankets. The noises faded into the gloom of the night. I blinked the blackness out of my eyes, trying to see even a single flame of light in my miserable life.

How had coming to pack changed anything? I felt like I had lost all the respect I had ever earned. The Maeonian folk probably looked down upon me for abandoning them, all I could do was wait for a letter demanding my resignation. The wolves already hated me. Fred and Anna hid it well, but I could see the resentment in their eyes too ever since I was crowned chief. Probably, I would get them back the way they were if I lost the high position? And Ralph... the only one I had left, he hated me now too. Who could live so unloved?

I had come here hoping for a new, better life. But would I ever get it? Then there was the Alpha, whose love for me I would never understand. It was deeper than the deepest ocean, mightier than the highest mountain. Why he loved me? I would never know. I loved him too, but not the way he felt for me. Mine was shallow, it was just there, without any anvil. Ready to disappear any moment. I came here for him but I lost so much too.

The thoughts brought tears to my eyes. Agony so deep clenched my heart, I was tempted to run away. To give up. Quit my useless life. But I couldn't. I was scared. Not because I was attached, but because I was scared of cowardice. I was not an escapist. I would never be.

When the storm is strong, don't try to run away from it. Face it, because running away will save you, but only the once who fight the storm are said to have braved it. My mother's voice reverberated in my head. My mother's memory brought a little smile to my face. It always did. She was the epitome of perfection. My role model. Never had I felt that level of affection from anyone after her.

But sleep still didn't come. I needed comfort, warmth, so I decided to go for the only person who could give that to me.


The door flew open with a bang. For a moment I was too stunned to move, when I saw my Beta standing there, with his canines out and eyes dark. How dare he? Standing like that in front of me? His Alpha? His posture reeked of disrespect.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said getting to my feet.

"Oh? You are asking ME that?!" he raised his chin indignantly, egging my wolf on.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You brought her back! After what she did-"

"Don't you dare." I said taking a menacing step towards him. He cringed but his expression remained the same.

"I won't let her endanger the pack again" he said through gritted teeth.

"And you will not talk to me like this."

"You are going FUCKING mad Lionel. It will be you who will bring this upon us. I can't let you compromise the pack's security like this. And Rosalyn- she- she, there's no way I can let-" he stuttered helplessly.

"Listen, Michael. Sapphire isn't a threat. And just to reassure you, no one is going to harm your mate. And I forced her to do those things. All she ever wanted was to be free."

"You thought that the first time too! One of the guards went insane with her soul exchange thing! That girl, she is manipulating you Lionel... You don't understand. An Alpha isn't supposed to be like this!" he yelled.

"Are you challenging me?" I said baring my teeth. He took another step forwards, baring his own teeth. But we were pulled out of our fighting stance when our ears caught a faint gasp from just outside the room.

I shut my eyes in frustration when I realised who it was. She had to hear this conversation. Michael sneered one last time before leaving the room.

"You can come in Sapphire." I said dejectedly.

Timidly she walked inside, her eyes looking anywhere but me. She stood there as if unsure what to do with her hands.

"That guard... did he really go insane?" she asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter right now-"

"Just tell me." the authority in her voice gave me shivers.

"I- yeah. He will be fine though, doc said he'll get better." I confirmed.

Sapphire closed her eyes and muttered something I didn't understand. She swayed on her feet and I had to put my arms around her to support her.

"I am sorry." she whispered pushing me away. "I shouldn't have bothered you."

"Hey, its okay. Don't go. Just forget what he said... he's just a bit on the edge." I said stopping her.

She just nodded.

"What did you want?" I asked.

"You mind if I sleep with you? I just can't find peace in that room." she said awkwardly going red in the face. I had to hold back a chuckle.

"You are always welcome." I said flirtatiously, making her go redder.



As flirty and suggestive the Alpha acted, he kept his distance. It was almost like he felt the tension too. But I shifted closer to him just because I needed warmth. He seemed unsure at first but then he readily put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I didn't mind. It was good to know that there was at least one person out there who really cared for me.  This man brought a different side of me out, one which I preferred to keep hidden. It was like I was actually feeling anything deep for the first time in my life. Goosebumps erupted on my skin wherever his hands met my body. A strange feeling settled into my chest, like the hearth in a dry and cold room.

"Do you think the pack will ever accept me?" I asked.

"They'll have to." he said firmly.

"What if they continue to hate me. Fuck, you are the only one who even wants to keep me here anymore. If it were up to them they would kick me put tomorrow."

"Well, it isn't up to them..."

I didn't say anything back. Lionel would do everything in his power to make his pack understand, but I was doubtful of the fact if they ever  would. The night stretched on as Lionel's breathing got heavier and heavier before I knew he was asleep.

I on the other hand, barely got a wink of sleep that night. When I did pass out, it was only out of sheer exhaustion. 



Hello dear readers!

I guess I haven't updated the story for a long time... but life has been tough on me.

Lots of work pressure, emotional ups and downs etc etc.

And this chapter was kind of short... but I barely find time for writing these days so I am gonna make 1000-1500 words the average size of upcoming chapters too. And if you noticed I changed the cover of the story.

Hope you like this one.


Which country are you from? Wattpad is an international platform, it would nice to know where my readers hail from.

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