|><| Chapter Nineteen : Can I call you mine?

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" ugh, this is frustrating! " Changkyun exclaimed, hitting his notebook with his pen and tossing it aside before he layed down, rolling over to his back "I don't even need this in life" He added, kicking his feet in irritation.

His frustrated actions got Hyungwon's attention. The teacher was sitting beside Changkyun, back leaning against the tree as he calmly read a book.

It's another Saturday that they're spending together. At the small park that they unofficially and unspokenly claimed as theirs. Changkyun's picnic blanket was spread over the grass. Both the younger and the older does their own thing. Staying in silence until the former had broke it with his complaints.

"Calculus?" Hyungwon asked, setting down the poetry book he was reading on his lap, but not closing it.

He guessed the subject the younger was doing is math. He picked up that it was one of Changkyun's weakest points. He gets so frustrated everytime he would do his homework. He was able to help him a little bit with it but sadly, Hyungwon himself isn't the greatest in that area. Teacher or not, math is pain. And he is naturally a forgetful person, he can no longer recall some equations. He had always been more on words than numbers.

But to his mild surprise, his guess was wrong.

"No, it's history" Changkyun says, rolling again to his stomach and propping himself up, using his elbows as support. Half of his body no longer staying on the blanket but on the grass.

"We have to write at least a two paged reflection about the Korean war, I've only written around half.."
He explains as he tried to reached for his laptop that he decided to bring with him to work with his homeworks.

"That's easy, just make your writing bigger and give more space in between letters." Hyungwon casually says but ending it with a laugh, an indication that he wasn't being completely serious. He reached for Changkyun's laptop and gave it to the younger as he sees  him struggle to reach for it.

Changkyun gave Hyungwon an unimpressed look, though the idea is quite smart. But they don't pass handwritten essays, most classes ask for printed ones when it comes to essays these days. Hyungwon and Minhyuk are one of the few who loves to ask for handwritten ones. For Hyungwon it was merely to know that the students themselves wrote it as he is familiar with his student's pen-manships. While Minhyuk, who's an art teacher but also twice a week teaches culture class with the seniors would always tell them to be creative with with their works. Some female students and craft lovers enjoys the diy stationary sessions whenever they make essays for his classes, the rest finds it a hassle.

" Mr. Yoo assigned proper spacing, margins, font styles and sizes for the essay so it's uniformed " Changkyun says, after thanking Hyungwon for handing his laptop to him.

The older rolled his eyes "of course, that controlling little hamster" he commented despite being aware that almost all teachers assigns proper formats to everything.

" Aren't you and Mr. Yoo friends? " Changkyun asked, placing the device infront of him and opening it, propping his right elbow and resting his cheek on his palm, his left hand used to lazily type away on his laptop. It was quite an uncomfortable position but he somehow didn't think of moving to change.

"You talk bad about him every chance you got"  Changkyun finished, he noticed how Hyungwon always has something to complain about the history teacher. He makes a lot of comments about him too. Changkyun guessed that's how their friendship works. He did once saw how Mr.Yoo hit Hyungwon with his famous teaching stick at the parking lot. He have no idea of the context but it looked like they were playing around. They have this love-hate besties going on, which is a bit amusing and confusing at the same time because sometimes it just seems as if they actually didn't like eachother.

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