Chapter 11

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I get to the bottom of the stairs where my dad is waiting tapping his foot impatiently. I with him in awkward silence; that is until Mason comes in like the angel that he is... I'm not saying my brother is an angel, but because he brought me coffee, it's the only thing keeping me from being angry at him. I swear I can hear angels singing right now. "Alright, let's get going. We need to get there as soon as we can." My dad says as he practically shoves Mason and I out the door. Way to ruin my moment, Dad, way to ruin my moment.

"Do you know what this is all about?" I ask Mason as we walk out to the car.

He just shakes his head, "Nope, just that it's an emergency." He says as he opens my door for me. I just nod and climb into the backseat. I can't help but wonder why Dad decided to drive the bigger car, I mean it seats six people and there's only three of us... I don't get to finish my thought due to my dad and brother starting to talk. "So what's the emergency, Dad?"

My dad just sighs as he keeps a firm grip on the steering wheel. "We were renting place a few minutes away from the studio for one of our major clients. I got a call from them and the fire department, I didn't get all the details, but it seems as though their place almost burned down. They'll probably have to stay with us for the remainder of their visit and, Alexandria, you'll be in charge of taking care of them. That means you get them where they need to be, help them out with whatever they need."

"So I'm going to have to babysit one of your clients?!" Seriously?! WHY DO THINGS LIKE THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!

"Yes, and if you do as poorly on this as you did the other jobs, then the deal will be off."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Why can't I just keep working at the recording studio with Mr. Montgomery instead of babysitting one of your 'major clients'?" I almost shout at my father.

"Because I said so, and you'll do it if you want to have a chance at making it in the music industry."

I sigh, falling back against my seat. Well, I just hope they aren't snobs, or this is going to be a long summer. The rest of the ride drags on in complete silence, no one says a word, but I do take the occasional sip of coffee. The only communication that occurs throughout the time is Mason looking back and giving me a sympathetic look, almost as if he's trying to apologize for dad, but if he tries to do that, he'll spend his entire life saying 'sorry'.

I know when we're getting close due to all of the sirens and lights flashing. Dad parks the car on the street a short distance away from the building, and without saying a word gets out of the car and starts walking over. I take that as a hint to follow him, so I climb out of the car, chugging my coffee because I have a feeling I'll be needing it. By the time I catch up to my dad he's standing in with a group of guys who look to be a few years older than I am. "Alright, let's get down to it. What happened?" I hear my dad ask, I look to the guys and I can't help but notice how the one with the curly blonde hair won't stop staring at his shoes, Dad noticed to I'm assuming. "Ashton," he says and the boy looks up like a child caught doing something wrong. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"

The boy, who's name I'm assuming is Ashton, returns his gaze to the ground as he quietly says, "I just wanted mac and cheese." Hold on a second... I put the pieces together in my mind... The fire department's here, Dad said their building almost burned down, and Ashton is acting all guilty and saying he just wanted mac and cheese. My question is, how do you start a fire trying to make mac and cheese? It's just cooking pasta and adding the cheese.

My dad just sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he says, "It doesn't matter now. You'll all be staying at my house for the rest of the time. But I have good news, I found someone to help you manage your schedule and help you with whatever you need." With this, he brings me forward and I stand there in silence as he continues talking. "Boys, this is Alexandria Mal-"

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