Chapter 24

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I wake back up when we're only a couple miles outside of L.A., and the dread of going back hits me in full force. "I think I'm going to be sick." I mumble when we pass another sign. "Can I just find another place to stay for the next month? A hotel? A box? Anything?"

"Are you really that worried about this?" Mason asks from the front seat, and I can barely manage to nod in reply. "Look, I'm pretty sure it would only take a small push for him to find a rental house for the guys to stay in. Especially after what happened, I'm sure he would like to avoid any further damage to his precious reputation."

"Is there any way we can start shoving him to that idea before we get back?" I sigh, taking deep breaths as I try to push my anxiety away. "I honestly don't think I can spend any more time than I absolutely have to around him."

"We have to get gas soon, so I'll call Stacey and have her talk to him about it." Mason says, and I roll my eyes at the mention of the step-momster. "I know you don't like her, but give her a chance. She's the one that will most likely be able to convince him."

"Fine." I tell him with a shrug, and enter in a conversation with Luke, Michael, and Calum. "So, what are you guys talking about?"

Michael and Calum both look at Luke nervously for a moment. Eventually Luke just stutters, "Um, w-we were just talking about how excited for the album."

"Speaking of which, when do I get to listen to the rest of it?" I ask them, and they look at me confused. "Last I checked there were a couple tracks I hadn't heard."

Michael laughs completely ignoring my comment as he asks, "Have we made you into a fan?"

"Maybe. Plus, I don't like judging an album unless I've heard the whole thing."

"Well, we still have a couple more songs to record." Calum says with a shrug. "What about you? When can we listen to more of your original music?"

"I have a couple more songs on my phone, but we haven't released any of them yet." I pause, smirking at them as I say. "But you're not hearing them until I hear the full album."

"That's not fair!" Calum whines in reply, and I just shrug my shoulders at him. The conversation continues, but my mind keeps thinking about what will happen when we get back. "Andy? Andy? Are you still with us?" Calum asks as he waves a hand in front of my face.

"Y-yeah. I just got a little sidetracked for a second there. What's up?" I ask, but they all look at me knowingly. "Please, don't give me those looks. I'm already dreading being back enough, and I don't need you guys pitying me to make it any worse."

"We're not pitying you. We're just a little bit worried." Michael tells me and the other two nod in agreement.

"As long as I don't have to be near John, then I'll be fine. I just hope the step-momster can convince him to get you guys a different rental house. That way I could still help you guys and avoid John all at once." I tell them with a sigh and show them my crossed fingers.

"Well, if he won't listen, we'll ask for another place to stay. I mean, we could always make up some excuse about invading their privacy or whatever." Michael suggests.

"I might actually hold you to that one."

"Don't worry, we would really prefer to stay somewhere else. Especially after everything that's happened." Luke assures me and I give him a grateful smile.

Luckily, it never came down to that. After Mason talked to Stacie, we found out John was looking for another rental place before everything happened and finalized everything while we were gone. "Okay. I'm running upstairs, packing my stuff as quickly as humanly possible, and I'll see you guys in the car." I tell them as we pull down the driveway.

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