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Kelli's POV

I ran through the crowds of the carnival trying to find my friends.


All I could see were people I never knew.


Left and right, I looked.


The moon was full.


I quickly put on my tuning fork necklace hoping not to cause a disruption.


I stopped to check my surroundings.


No one looked familiar.


I slowly started walking, looking around me as I continued.


I then saw a red glow in the distance. 'Is that Annabelle?' I thought.


'It must be one of her followers.'


He seemed to notice me.


I walked the other way, hoping to lose him.


I then couldn't see anyone familiar, thinking I lost him.


I broke into a dead run, back on the search for my friends.


Next thing I knew, BANG. I fell to the ground.


There was a boy who looked older than me in front of me.


"Where are you off to?" He asked.


"Sorry, just looking for my friends." I said. He didn't buy it.


He just stared at me.


"Are you okay?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face.


He broke out of his daze. As I was still on the ground.


My tuning fork necklace was on the ground. I quickly picked it up and put it in my pocket.


I put on my outfield shades before I tried to get up.

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