Chapter 17 - Plan

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Brian's POV

I caught a glimpse of Kelli walking to her bus. Damn. I was gonna walk her to her bus. She saw me, but she didn't turn back for me. She walked faster and texted someone. As she put away her phone, her backpack shrunk and she clipped it to her jeans. She didn't do that. If she did, she would be like me. That have gave me an idea.

Before I walked to the car, I found Mr. Brannigan. "Hi, can you make a change to the spirit week? I asked.

"I'm afraid I can't. I don't have time to think of anything to replace Sachem pride day."

"Sure you can." I said as my eyes glowed red. "You can think of one thing off the top of your head."

I watched as I stared into his eyes making his eyes glow red. I manipulated his human mind.

"You know, I think we should have Sachem pride day on Thursday and on Friday we should do a fantasy and monster day. Like a Halloween in February."

"Great idea." I said. "They would love that idea."

"You think so, Brian?"


"Awesome. I'll send out the email and change the posters."

"I got the posters. You send out the email."

"Alright Brian. See you tomorrow." He got in his car and left.

Perfect. If what Annabelle said about Kelli is right, then she doesn't know what's coming at her. I wont need to break up with her since she's gonna be dead soon.


Rachel's POV

I got home and got a text from an unknown number. I looked at it. It was Kelli and a few other numbers.


Kelli: alright. New group chat. Say your names. Starting with me. Kelli.


Me: Rachel


??: Colleen.


??: Erin.


??: Deseree.


??: Emma


??: Skyla.


??: Collin.


??: Mary


??: Jason.


??: Katie


Kelli: alright. Everyone's here. So text "🐺" if you're able to help this Saturday, and "✔" if you are available to help this summer.


Everyone sent the check marks and everyone except Jason, Mary, and Katie sent the wolf.


Collin: Kelli. Do you have the permission slip for the dance?


Kelli: yea. You can pick it up tomorrow night.


Me: I got my own ticket. They sold them at the Middle School.


Kelli : Sweet.


Emma: Tell us about the necklace.


Kelli: okay. I got a necklace from Brian. It has a blue wolf pendant. The same sketch I showed Rachel. It doesn't protect me. It triggers my transformation.


Me: Don't bring it.


Collin: Will it work?


Colleen: Well, it is a full moon that night.


Mary: wait, where's Elizabeth?


Kelli: Left. Her head's full of lies.


Me: and she took her tuning fork necklace away.


Katie: her own kind leaving her. Messed up.


Jason: then are you the only wolf in the chat?


Erin: no.


Kelli: what?! So all this time...


Erin: yup. I am. Why do you think I said that I would research your clan earlier in the year?


Kelli: clan?


Erin: Wild.


Kelli: sweet. I'm not the only wolf.


Skyla: so what's the plan on Saturday?


Emma: make sure that wolf necklace doesn't touch Kelli. Brian will do anything to get it on her.


Kelli: and I got an email from Mr. Brannigan. It's fantasy and monster day on Friday. You think I can get away with my hybrid form?


Erin: I'll do it with you. You won't be alone.


Kelli: okay.


Katie: I'm graduating this year. So I'll be more available this summer.


Me: perfect


Collin: can I just teleport and get the paper?


Kelli: sure. I'll text you about it later.


Collin: K.


Me: hey. I gotta do some chores. I'll just leave and let you guys go. Bye guys.


Kelli: kk. Bye.


I put away my phone and finished cleaning my room. I just don't get why my sister is doing this to my cousin. I want her stopped.

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