Chapter 1 - A fresh start... Well, maybe

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Kelli's POV

It was finally the first day of high school. I knew I had a fresh start. Even though I know a lot of people from softball, I knew I have more freedom. I could finally control my werewolf ability and I can change back when I want. I put on a orange shirt with my small white jacket. I put on a pair of capri jeans and ugg boots. I recently dyed my hair a medium auburn with light-auburn streaks which blend very well. "Kelli, you don't want to be late on your first day." My mother called. I looked at the clock. It was 6:25. "Just five minutes." I said. I let my eyes glow yellow and return to their brown color. I then, finished my eyeliner, put on my tuning fork necklace, and brushed my teeth; and soon, I was out the door by 6:30. I had my orange backpack slung over one shoulder. I carried three binders, four notebooks, and pencils. I put my phone in my back pocket and got in the car. We soon arrived at the school. I was nervous. I knew people there, but they don't know I transferred. I never told them. I only told Rachel and Elizabeth. We followed the cars and soon, I had to be dropped off. "Good luck and take one class at a time." My mother said. "It's the first day, mom." I said. "We start real classes tomorrow."

I shut the door and slung my bag on both my shoulders this time. I took a deep breath, pushed my side bangs to the left, and started walking towards the entrance. I saw that everyone was filing towards the cafeteria entrance of the building. I just followed them. I looked around me as upperclassmen stared at me. I had my phone in hand in case I needed to fix my foundation. However, they were eyeing me. I just looked ahead with a blank expression, slowly fixing my face in a smile as I walked into the cafeteria. There, I saw Elizabeth. When she saw me, she hugged me. "Kelli!" She exclaimed. "Welcome to Middleboro High School. What do you think?" "I feel good vibes from this school atmosphere already." I said. "Well, you'll love it." Elizabeth said. "I already know my way around." "Lucky." I said. "I wonder if we have any classes together." "We'll see." She said. "And we get out at 1:50!" "Hah, way better." I said.

"So, first, we have advisory." Elizabeth said. "We get our schedules there. You are in room 213." "I don't think I may know some people there." I said. "Who knows?" She said. "No one." I said sarcastically. We both laughed. "But I'm serious." She said. I looked around and saw familiar faces. Then I heard things. I don't know what it was, but my ears were ringing. "Do you hear that?" I asked. "Okay, look, I'm not as good at hearing as you, Wolfie." She said. "But no, I can't. Why?"

"The voice sounds familiar." I said. "He's talking about me. He said my name. How does he know I'm here?" "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Is there something you're not telling me?" "I have told you everything." I said. "I just don't see how someone would recognize me like that." "You mean the boy who is staring at you and talking to a ginger boy who is thinner than him?" She asked. "How did you know?" I asked. "I had a feeling." She said. "It has been ten minutes straight with him staring at you."

Then the bell rang. "Well, see you later, kid." I said. She waved as I walked to room 213. When I arrived, I sat in a random seat and dropped my bag to the side of the desk. The teacher came in after everyone else walked in. I didn't see any familiar faces. The second bell rang and it was followed by the intercom. "Welcome, Class of 2019. I am your principal, Mr. Brannigan and I hope to get to know you all throughout the year." Mr. Brannigan went on about the upcoming fall sports. I knew I wasn't going to participate. I was training for the 5k up in Maine. I usually ran three days a week until the race which is in October; the first weekend in October to be exact. I sighed as the intercom shut off.

We then got our schedules and the bell rang. I looked at my schedule for my block one class. We only had four blocks per day. Soon, the day went by and now I was in math for this block which was the lunch block. I had third lunch. So, as I walked down to the cafeteria, I saw Erin and Desiree and they noticed me. "Kelli!" Desiree said. "You're here now? You don't go to Sacred Heart anymore?" "Yea." I said. "Finally out of that hell hole." I opened my packed lunch and we ate and talked until the bell rang. Then I had to go back to math with Mrs. Long. I met a couple people along the way. Then, the bell rang and I was onto my last class of the day. English. As you can see, I HATE English with a burning passion. I fixed my necklace as I walked through the door. There was Elizabeth. "We have English together!" She said. "At least we have a class together." I said. We sat down in seats next to each other as the teacher walked in. "I am Mr. Atwood and I'll be your English teacher for the first semester." He said.

We all went over the syllabus and worked on something called SOAPSTONE. We were going to get more into it tomorrow. "We will have a full day tomorrow and it will be a black day." Mr. Atwood said. "We alternate with orange and black days. Soon, you all will get the hang of how the schedule goes." I looked at my schedule. My block one alternated. On orange days, I had astronomy and on black days, I had Sachems Singers. Was it choir? The only way to find out was to attend the class tomorrow. Soon, the bell rang and I packed up and walked down the stairs and followed students outside.

I was making my way to the parking lot, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I felt like I jumped because Elizabeth scared me half to death. "May I have a ride?" She asked. "Sure." I said. "I'm sure it's fine with my mother." We walked towards the parking lot. I looked around me and saw the same boy staring at me. I cracked the muscles in my neck and pushed my bangs in my face to the left. In the corner of my eye, I saw the boy walk towards me. In the other eye, I saw my mother's car stop in front of us. "Alright, let's go." I said quickly. We got in the car as the boy looked my way and stared me down. I widened my eyes to let him know I saw him. He then smirked at me. I quickly turned away and focused on the ride home. I was gonna have a fresh start, but I'm also being watched.

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